[mapguide-internals] Motion: Commit rights for Andre Barth

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Thu Nov 11 23:42:09 EST 2010


bit fuzzy; Andre already has a CLA on file?

On 2010-11-11, Bruce Dechant <bruce.dechant at autodesk.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to extend Andre Barth's rights so he can submit to the MapGuide
> trunk depot.
> Andre would be contributing to the coordinate system MgCoordinateSystem API
> that is a wrapper around the CsMap API.
> Andre is already a committer to the CsMap depot and the goal of his activity
> on the coordinate system API is to expose CsMap functionalities to
> MapGuide's API
> On the CsMap side, he's been assisting Norm Olsen this past year while the
> RFC2 was designed:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/csmap/wiki/CsMapRfc2
> He then worked on the CsMap test suite to identify regressions triggered by
> the redesign (a regression in that code would also mean eventually a
> regression in MapGuide's code, so this work was critical)
> This CsMap RFC2 re-engineering work led to the MapGuide RFC94 to open the
> functionality to the rest of the public API:
> http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/sandbox/rfc94/
> The software design for the RFC94 was provided by Andre as well as the
> implementation, and then reviewed by Norm Olsen.
> The code was developed and submitted by Andre to the sandbox for the RFC94
> where he had commit rights:
> http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/sandbox/rfc94/
> Once done, the RFC94 sandbox was then merged into the MapGuide trunk, and
> this was done by Norm Olsen who has commit rights to the trunk.
> This work lead to the creation of the following interfaces and their
> implementation behind:
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticAnalyticalTransformationMethod
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticAnalyticalTransformDefParams
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticInterpolationTransformDefParams
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticMultipleRegressionTransformationMethod
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticMultipleRegressionTransformDefParams
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticPath
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticPathDictionary
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticPathElement
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformDef
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformDefDictionary
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformDefParams
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformDefType
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformGridFile
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformGridFileFormat
> The existing implementation behind the interface
> MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformation was reworked to handle backward
> compatibility while still enabling the new functionality exposed through the
> new interfaces.
> The submission 5164 "Merging the sandbox RFC94 to the trunk" lists all the
> source that was involved in this work:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/changeset/5164
> As said above, the code was originally inside the sandbox
> http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/sandbox/rfc94/
> This shows the amount of work executed by Andre, 38 new source code files
> and 33 modified existing files listed at the URL mentioned above.
> Another example of a code submissions performed by Norm Olsen and written by
> Andre is:
> Submission 5241 "adding Useful Range capability to the Geodetic
> Transformation API"
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/changeset/5241
> Other recent activities on the MapGuide project, still within the coordinate
> system engine area were:
> -   Log and fix ticket 1468, Unset the EPSG code when cloning a Coordinate
> System entity
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/1468
> -   Log and fix ticket 1463 - Access to the CsMap coordinate system
> dictionary files is not correctly protected by the Mg API
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/1463
> As you can see all this work is centralized around the coordinate system
> engine.
> Working closely with Norm Olsen and Hugues Wisniewski (the Osgeo lead for
> the CS-Map project), judging from his motivation, the high quality of his
> work and his commitment to a job well done,  I am confident that Andre will
> be of a great help on the MapGuide team in the future.
> +1
> Thanks,
> Bruce
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