[mapguide-internals] Fusion refers to an external server -
spatialreference.org which is offline
Zac Spitzer
zac.spitzer at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 20:34:46 EST 2011
Hi Michael,
With RC2, the standard template is uses the fusion/lib/def directory
while the other templates use the template/def directory.
I don't see why it makes sense to maintain the defs under the template
directory for the same reason we want to avoid maintaining another set
of projections
Digging into it, the single file version uses lib/defs, the uncombined version
uses template/defs
the map I'm currently working with has this projection in the map definition
looking at the proj4js-combined.js file around line 486, I see the
following code
//check to see if this is a WKT string
if ((srsCode.indexOf('GEOGCS') >= 0) ||
(srsCode.indexOf('GEOCCS') >= 0) ||
(srsCode.indexOf('PROJCS') >= 0) ||
(srsCode.indexOf('LOCAL_CS') >= 0)) {
this.datum = new Proj4js.datum(this);
The SRS being passed is only the EPSG:28355 string, as opposed
to the definition from the map
hacking around, If I change the line in LoadMap.php line 114
$mapObj->wkt = $srs;
$mapObj->epsg = $epsgCode;
$mapObj->wkt = $srs;
$mapObj->epsg = $srs;
I don't see any external projection requests as proj4js parsing
of PROJCS is triggered
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 5:22 AM, Michael Adair <madair at dmsolutions.ca> wrote:
> Zac,
> We wanted to avoid storing all the projection definitions on disk because we
> want to avoid maintaining that data. Ideally the projection definitions
> will come from the MapDefinition as CS WKT.
> An app would typically have a set of known projections that it has to deal
> with, in which case it makes sense to me to have the definition come from
> the template directory if it isn't provided as WKT from the server. In the
> case where you don't know what projections the map will be using beforehand,
> then it is much better to have a lookup service (maintained elsewhere) to
> get them from.
> Mike
> On 16/02/2011 5:34 AM, Zac Spitzer wrote:
>> the def's appear to be loaded from under the given
>> templates directory in RC3
>> how big would all be js projections be on disk?
>> But can't cs map return this?
>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 5:27 AM, Jason Birch<jason at jasonbirch.com> wrote:
>>> The site is down because it was causing reliability issues for the
>>> server it was hosted on in late december (see the openlayers dev
>>> mailng list)
>>> I don't think we should have a dependency on spatialreference.org, not
>>> because it's external but because--as useful as it is--it's just a
>>> utility site put up by two members of the community. It's not
>>> advertised as a reliable service, and we shouldn't be using it as such
>>> without clearing that use with the maintainers first (and likely
>>> contributing time/money to turning it into a reliable service).
>>> Jason
>>> On 2011-01-07, Dave Wilson<dave.wilson at autodesk.com> wrote:
>>>> It looks like their website name has changed. There is a hyphen in the
>>>> name
>>>> currently for the working website. A Google search only shows listing
>>>> for
>>>> the non-hyphenated name.
>>>> http://spatial-reference.org
>>>> Maybe they are on a backup site or they are in transition. There is no
>>>> notice to indicate why the name has changed.
>>>> I too questioned the use of such an embedded reference a while back, but
>>>> I
>>>> don't think we came to any conclusion about continuing to include it or
>>>> not.
>>>> If your site is purely internal do you want to reference an external
>>>> site?
>>>> And now the scenario where the site is referenced and "it's down".
>>>> Dave
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> [mailto:mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Michael
>>>> Adair
>>>> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 7:36 AM
>>>> To: mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [mapguide-internals] Fusion refers to an external server -
>>>> spatialreference.org which is offline
>>>> Zac,
>>>> That is the Proj4js library trying to find the projection definitions
>>>> for EPSG:28355 and it only goes to spatialreference.org as the last
>>>> resort, and that is really only for cases where you don't know what
>>>> projections you app will be using. When you do know what projections
>>>> you will be dealing with, you can put the definiton in your JavaScript
>>>> somewhere, eg. (substitute you own EPSG code and data):
>>>> <script type="text/javascript" src="EPSG42304.js"></script>
>>>> where that file contains the Proj.4 init string:
>>>> Proj4js.defs["EPSG:42304"]="+title=Atlas of Canada, LCC +proj=lcc
>>>> +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80
>>>> +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs";
>>>> If that Proj4js.defs value is not found, it then looks in a directory
>>>> for the file automatically ('/lib' I think?) and if not found there it
>>>> looks on spatialreference.org.
>>>> Fusion trunk includes the latest Proj4js which can also parse the
>>>> projection initialization from the WKT returned by MapGuide so you don't
>>>> need to include the init string. That part can use more testing to make
>>>> sure all the WK cases get tested.
>>>> Mike
>>>> On 07/01/2011 12:08 AM, Zac Spitzer wrote:
>>>>> Just been playing with 2.2 RC2,
>>>>> I noticed that fusion is trying to access
>>>>> http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28355/proj4js/
>>>>> a website which is offline at the moment,
>>>>> should we really be dependant on third party websites?
>>>>> can we use a local call to CS-MAP instead?
>>>>> z
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Zac Spitzer
Solution Architect / Director
Ennoble Consultancy Australia
+61 405 847 168
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