[mapguide-trac] #168: Can't enumerate sessions via ENUMERATERESOURCES

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Tue May 29 04:01:12 EDT 2007

#168: Can't enumerate sessions via ENUMERATERESOURCES
 Reporter:  zspitzer          |         Owner:       
     Type:  enhancement       |        Status:  new  
 Priority:  medium            |     Milestone:  1.2  
Component:  Resource Service  |       Version:  1.2.0
 Severity:  minor             |    Resolution:       
 Keywords:                    |   External_id:       
Comment (by ksgeograf):

 If user A knows another sessionID, she can impersonate that user. That is
 ok, as the sessionID is not guessable, and should only be transfered over
 an encrypted link (eg. SSL). In other words, the sessionID represents an
 authentication token.

 If the sessionID is compromised, there is no actual added security, as the
 map name (and most other resources as well) are highly guessable. It would
 merely be an inconvenience for an attacker.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/168#comment:3>
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