[mapguide-trac] #608: Occasional MgPremissionDeniedException

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Mon Jul 14 08:32:50 EDT 2008

#608: Occasional MgPremissionDeniedException
 Reporter:  andrewd  |         Owner:  ksgeograf
     Type:  defect   |        Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  high     |     Milestone:           
Component:  Maestro  |       Version:           
 Severity:  major    |    Resolution:           
 Keywords:           |   External_id:           
Comment (by andrewd):

 Ya, I read that post, and though it sounded pretty similar.

 I'm guessing that you could recreate the problem if you set up a map in a
 library folder with, and make that folder (and it's contents) accessible
 only by Administrator and 1 other user. Then view the map in your browser,
 logging in as that other user - then try to connect to the site using
 Maestro - using Administrator.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/608#comment:6>
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