[mapguide-trac] #588: Maestro: Layer Editor visual enhancements

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Sat May 31 12:40:05 EDT 2008

#588: Maestro: Layer Editor visual enhancements
 Reporter:  jbirch       |         Owner:  ksgeograf
     Type:  enhancement  |        Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  low          |     Milestone:           
Component:  Maestro      |       Version:           
 Severity:  trivial      |    Resolution:           
 Keywords:               |   External_id:           
Changes (by ksgeograf):

  * status:  new => assigned


 1. Yes, the fixed size is not good. The nature of the layer setup requires
 a lot of related information, and a lot of screen real-estate. I have
 though of implementing a scheme were I count the number of rules, and try
 to set a size based on that. There are a "splitter" in the control, so you
 may extend the view beyond a three-row display. The area item is the last
 one, and does this automatically.

 2. Yes, that is a worse problem. I really like that most of the setup is
 visible without a click required. The newly inserted scale should be
 visible at insertion, zooming to it would help out, and perhaps the sizing
 fix would minimize this problem.

 3. I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean the "Properties avalible in

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/588#comment:2>
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