[mapguide-trac] #722: Failed Mapguide Service gets completely stuck 'stopping'

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Wed Oct 15 18:09:55 EDT 2008

#722: Failed Mapguide Service gets completely stuck 'stopping'
 Reporter:  zspitzer  |         Owner:       
     Type:  defect    |        Status:  new  
 Priority:  high      |     Milestone:       
Component:  Server    |       Version:  2.0.2
 Severity:  critical  |    Resolution:       
 Keywords:            |   External_id:       
Comment (by brucedechant):

 The problem with just aborting an operation is that if it involves
 updating the repository it could lead to possible data loss or worst case
 data corruption.

 Perhaps the logic that does the service stopping needs to only wait for
 repository operations to complete and abort any other operations so that
 the service stopping can happen much quicker.

 Have you noticed this with other providers or only with GDAL?

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/722#comment:2>
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