[mapguide-trac] #867: Point Style Editor Width and Height Changes Not Preserved

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 27 12:01:10 EST 2009

#867: Point Style Editor Width and Height Changes Not Preserved
   Reporter:  crispinatime  |       Owner:  ksgeograf
       Type:  defect        |      Status:  new      
   Priority:  low           |   Milestone:           
  Component:  Maestro       |     Version:  2.0.1    
   Severity:  minor         |    Keywords:           
External_id:                |  
 Manual editing of the point size width and height values are not preserved
 with the point style editor.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/867>
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