[mapguide-trac] #1378: Cannot connect to SQL Server 2008 - 2.2 Beta 1

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Wed Jun 16 15:29:53 EDT 2010

#1378: Cannot connect to SQL Server 2008 - 2.2 Beta 1
   Reporter:  tybion           |       Owner:       
       Type:  defect           |      Status:  new  
   Priority:  low              |   Milestone:  2.2  
  Component:  Mapping Service  |     Version:  2.2.0
   Severity:  major            |    Keywords:       
External_id:                   |  

Comment(by tomfukushima):

 Perhaps the problem is because the SQL Server is running multiple
 instances.  Is there a default instance (i.e., Service = maittestsql)
 there that you can try connecting to? And if so what happens when you try
 connecting to that?  Also try putting two backslashes between the machine
 and sever name (i.e., maittestsql\\testsql2008) and see if that makes any

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/1378#comment:8>
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