[mapguide-trac] #1476: mgserver lock up using GDAL Plugins (mrsid)

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 22 13:15:45 EST 2010

#1476: mgserver lock up using GDAL Plugins (mrsid)
   Reporter:  andrewd   |       Owner:  trevorwekel
       Type:  defect    |      Status:  new        
   Priority:  high      |   Milestone:             
  Component:  Server    |     Version:  2.2.0      
   Severity:  critical  |    Keywords:             
External_id:            |  

Comment(by trevorwekel):

 I think we have discovered the problem.  I did some checking on Visual
 Studio .Net 2003 and Microsoft dropped support for it on Windows Vista.
 They strongly suggest moving to Visual Studio 2005

 This leads me to believe that using Visual Studio 2003 dlls on any
 operating system newer than Vista is a dangerous approach since the
 compiler that uses those dlls is "not supported".  I think it is
 reasonable to assume that VS 2003 dlls will not work under WOW64.  I
 seriously doubt that Microsoft has tested it.

 What does this mean for the GDAL plugins?  Basically, we need to compile
 all the plug in libraries with Visual Studio 2008.  This will include the
 SDKs from ERDAS and LizardTech.  The compilation work will also be
 required to resolve threading issues.  Most of the thread checking tools
 expect the same system and c-runtime allocators to be used throughout the

 This could be a lot of work if no one has started on it.  Hopefully ERDAS
 and LizardTech have VS 2008 SDKs available.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/1476#comment:6>
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