[mapguide-trac] #1537: Chrome: the cursor is incorrect after the mouse over the splitter between map and left panel

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 24 21:11:31 EST 2010

#1537: Chrome: the cursor is incorrect after the mouse over the splitter between
map and left panel
   Reporter:  hubu         |       Owner:  hubu  
       Type:  defect       |      Status:  new   
   Priority:  low          |   Milestone:  2.3   
  Component:  AJAX Viewer  |     Version:  2.2.0 
   Severity:  minor        |    Keywords:  Chrome
External_id:  1363139      |  
 1. Open the basic weblayout in Chrome.
 2. Move the mouse to the splitter between map and left panel, then move
 the mouse back to the map.

 the cursor is still "Resize".

 the cursor should be "Arrow".

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/1537>
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