[Mapguide-trac] [mapguide-trac] #2181: Log viewers should not auto-scroll to the right

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Sun Nov 18 18:23:44 PST 2012

#2181: Log viewers should not auto-scroll to the right
   Reporter:  jng        |       Owner:       
       Type:  defect     |      Status:  new  
   Priority:  low        |   Milestone:       
  Component:  Map Admin  |     Version:  2.4.0
   Severity:  trivial    |    Keywords:       
External_id:             |  
 If you viewer at any log through the Site Admin (with auto-refresh
 enabled), it will auto-scroll to the bottom '''and to the right'''

 Auto-scrolling to the bottom is fine, but auto-scrolling to the right is
 not, as one really long log entry hinders the usability of this part of
 the application.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/2181>
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