[Mapguide-trac] [mapguide-trac] #2142: Extent in layer preview is calculated wrongly (OGR provider)

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Wed Oct 10 05:16:16 PDT 2012

#2142: Extent in layer preview is calculated wrongly (OGR provider)
   Reporter:  nkjoller  |       Owner:  jng        
       Type:  defect    |      Status:  new        
   Priority:  low       |   Milestone:  Maestro-5.0
  Component:  Maestro   |     Version:  2.2.0      
   Severity:  minor     |    Keywords:             
External_id:            |  

Comment(by jng):

 The problem is simple.

 The all so powerful CS-Map library that supports thousands of different
 coordinate systems and transformations and used by MapGuide, is not
 available for Maestro to use over the mapagent http interface, because no
 coordinate transformation APIs are exposed over it.

 So as a result, we resort to using the imperfect Proj.Net library which
 does not have the same power, reach and flexibility as CS-Map. The numbers
 you see generated are the result of going through this library.

 There are solutions for this problem in the long-term (I'd have to
 implement them first). The short term one would be to write a web-based
 helper script in PHP/ASP.net/Java that can access the MgCoordinateSystem
 API and do this extent number crunching for you

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/2142#comment:1>
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