Still and still ODBC

ana kando anakando at
Thu Aug 17 04:43:35 EDT 2006

Hi guys..
  Here we go..
  System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (559) MgFdoException.
   at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Site.Comm.RequestManager.ExecutePendingGetRequestToString(Operation operation)
   at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Site.Comm.RequestManager.TestConnection(String resourceId, String provider, String connectionString)
   at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Site.FeatureSourceInfo.TestConnection()
   at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.UI.FeatureSourceEditors.TestConnectionControl.buttonTestConnection_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  can anybody tell me what is going wrong?? i tried to test a connection(ODBC) but failed!..i have searching for a suitable topics in this forum room but still not get any clear answer.TQ

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