[mapguide-users] Weird Error when restarting server on Linux

Dave Wilson dave.wilson at autodesk.com
Mon Aug 28 10:26:58 EDT 2006

This appears to be linux specific behaviour in regards to releasing the
port. It takes about 15 seconds before the port is released and the
process will restart.


From: Willem Schwarte [mailto:willem at giskit.nl] 
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:47 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Weird Error when restarting server on Linux

So the server is sometimes killed. Sometimes when I try restarting the
daemon, It gives the message that the server is running as daemon. But
when I check with PS -A |grep mgserver there is nothing!? 


Now I check the error.log in the server logs directory and there is a
new entry that says: 



> Error: Port 2801 is not available, please try using a different port.

> Exception occurred in method MgServer.svc at line 932 in file

> StackTrace:    Port 2801 is not available, please try using a
different port.

> Exception occurred in method MgServer.svc at line 932 in file





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