[mapguide-dev] How to call the load procedure from program???

Bill Dhimitri bill.dhimitri at autodesk.com
Tue Jul 11 09:40:49 EDT 2006

Hi Rasel,


It could be that you do not have the DLLs that are needed by
SDFConverter.dll in the EXE folder.


There are 2 ways to fix this.  You can do number 1 or number 2 (but
don't do both):


1.	Make sure that when you build your code, the Visual Studio
project Output Folder is the MG Studio bin folder. 
2.	Copy all the files in your MG Studio bin folder into your Visual
Studio project Output Folder. 


By the way, you should post these questions to users at mapguide.osgeo.org
instead of dev at mapguide.osgeo.org.







From: Rasel Md. Anawer TMN Technical
[mailto:rasel.anawer at grameenphone.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 11:39 PM
To: dev at mapguide.osgeo.org; Bill Dhimitri
Subject: [mapguide-dev] How to call the load procedure from program???


Hi Bill,

Thanks for your reply.


I have tried that and found error.


My Code


LoadProcedureInfo lpi =


SdfLoadProcedure sdfldpr = (SdfLoadProcedure)SdfSerializer.Open(lpi);

sdfldpr.SdfKeyTreatment = SdfKeyTreatment.AutogenerateAll;

sdfldpr.Generalization = 100;







The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT:

Writer package, String filePath, SiteConnection connection)

   at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Load.LoadProcedure.Execute(String
packageFilePath, SiteConnection connection)

   at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Load.LoadProcedure.Execute(SiteConnection

   at SDFLoader.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio
2005\Projects\SDFLoader\SDFLoader\Program.cs:line 40






I have a load procedure at  - "Library://hiT/Loaders/hiTDataLoader". No
problem about that.

My variables - lpi, sdfldpr is initiated successfully. No problem about



Please help. ...





System Engineer, TMN, TD,

GrameenPhone Ltd.

Mobile : +8801711506316

E-mail: rasel.anawer at grameenphone.com




Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 13:04:02 -0400

From: Bill Dhimitri <bill.dhimitri at autodesk.com>

Subject: [mapguide-dev] How to call the load procedure from program???


Hi Rasel,




MapGuide Studio provides an API that allows you to programmatically load

an SDF file.  Go to the Studio API Help, and look up (in the index) the

SdfLoadProcedure class.










From: Rasel Md. Anawer TMN Technical

[mailto:rasel.anawer at grameenphone.com] 

Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 7:49 AM

To: dev at mapguide.osgeo.org

Subject: [mapguide-dev] How to call the load procedure from program???






I have a load procedure which loads a SDF file and generate Data and

Layer only.


How to call the load procedure from program???




Please help and thanks in advance...






System Engineer, TMN, TD,


GrameenPhone Ltd.


Mobile : +8801711506316


E-mail: rasel.anawer at grameenphone.com

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