make check hangs... Cannot Establish Connection

Mandar Sarlashkar mann.sar at
Wed Jun 14 07:24:58 EDT 2006

Dear Traian Stanev and Walt Welton-lair !

I really appreciate the support I am getting from you...

Traian Stanev, Thank you very much for the

Now I have one more problem to bother you... and other Members  of the list
as well... I hope you wont mind....

When I ran
# Make Check

The process hangs... and after waiting for a long time I have to Interrupt
by pressing Ctl C....

Below is the text copied from Command Prompt
When process hangs....

make[4]: Entering directory `/usr/local/mapguide-1.0.0/Server/src/Core'

After I Interrupt....

make[4]: Entering directory `/usr/local/mapguide-1.0.0/Server/src/Core'
make[4]: *** [check-TESTS] Interrupt
make[3]: *** [check-am] Interrupt
make[2]: *** [check-recursive] Interrupt
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Interrupt
make: *** [check-recursive] Interrupt

I shouldn't have proceeded... but just to check what happens I ran
# make install

and when I tested following URL I got the following error message
displayed in the browser...


Cannot establish connection. Cannot establish connection. Exception occurred
in method MgServerConnection.Open at line 94 in file
Services/ServerConnection.cpp - MgHttpRequest::CreateRequestResponseHandler
line 271 file HttpRequest.cpp -
MgHttpRequestResponseHandler.InitializeCommonParameters line 133 file
HttpRequestResponseHandler.cpp - MgSite.Open line 93 file Services/Site.cpp
- MgSite.Authenticate line 1244 file Services/Site.cpp -
MgServerConnection.Open line 94 file Services/ServerConnection.cpp

I really want to setup and see my Maps on web through Mapguide
OpenSource... and needs help...

Thanks in advance...

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