AW: [mapguide-users] Autodesk.raster

Chris Gardner chrisg at
Tue Mar 14 14:38:50 EST 2006

We would also like to participate in some "fiddly" raster work if it means
getting raster support sooner than later.  

Thank you,

Chris J. Gardner
Rational Technology, LLC
811 1st Ave. Ste 628
Seattle, WA, 98104
Office: (206)262-0107
Mobile: (206)409-9105
chrisg at

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:fwarmerdam at] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:07 AM
To: users at
Subject: Re: AW: [mapguide-users] Autodesk.raster

Thomas Grosser wrote:
> Dear Marie-Claire,
> Autodesk told me a few weeks before that raster formats won´t be supported
in Version 1 - they told me that it will take a few weeks or month ... see
original answer:
> "Thomas,
> I expect that MapGuide open source 1.0 will be posted and available in 1
or 2 weeks.
> I don't think raster support will be available for a while (perhaps
several weeks or month.
> Bill"
> I think we must live without raster features for some time ! But I think
in this discussion list someone talks about an other solution. When I find
this I will send it to you.

Thomas / Marie-Claire,

If there is sufficient interest, and if Autodesk doesn't mind, I could
look at providing the GDAL raster provider for use testing.  It would
take me at least a week or two to get it in shape with the latest code
base and it is far from complete.

To be honest, I have only tested it with FDO level API clients so far,
so I need a bit of time to try it out in the context of MapGuide.

This would likely be pretty fiddly work, but a chance for users and
developers to collaberate to accelerate development!

Work on the GDAL FDO provider has temporarily stalled while I wait for
Autodesk technical resources to free up for reviewing and testing what
I have done.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF,

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