[mapguide-users] Check if service is running?

Andy Morsell amorsell at spatialgis.com
Mon May 1 11:12:05 EDT 2006

Due to a similar problem on my server, where the service stops responding
several times a day, I have resorted to using a scheduled task to restart
the service every two hours.  I saw an issue in Project Tracker indicating
that there are stability problems after 5000 requests and by restarting
every two hours, at least I know it is usually up and running.  The downside
is that anyone connected at the restart time will lose their session.  I
know this isn't nearly as eloquent as writing some code to poll the service
every minute or so (or check it at page runtime) and then restart it only in
the case of it being locked up, but I'm hoping this stability problem will
be fixed in the next build.

Andy Morsell, P.E. 
Spatial Integrators, Inc. 



From: Willem Schwarte [mailto:willem at giskit.nl] 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 2:13 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Check if service is running?



I want to check if the mapserver service is running, because a lot of times
it stops itself and when I go to the site when the service is stopped I get
this message:


PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'mgconnectionfailedexception' in Unknown
on line 0



So I have tried to put this try .. catch  around the line that causes the






            }catch (exception $e)


                        echo "ERROR";




But this doesn't work, I still see the same unCaught exception error





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