Sample application in PHP - HELP
Dimitrios Fryganiotis
dimitrios.fryganiotis at
Thu May 4 11:09:14 EDT 2006
I am trying to create a very simple application in PHP which basically
is going to
plot a UK-IRELAND-FRANCE map using SDF 3.0 data. I am getting this data
from an SHP file and then converting them using FME to SDF. As a basis
of my sample
I use the phpsample that is available from the website. So, I create the
XML files and then
together with the SDFs I create the MGP file. I load that package to the
server and then I try
to view the page, but no map is displayed on the screen, nothing. I
think the data are correct
since I can view them clearly using the FME viewer as SDF 3. It might
have to do with some sort
of scaling that i have to apply like in the parameters <Extends> and
<Bounds> in some of the XML files.
I have attached my package as zip file, please if somebody could try it
to see if it works I would highly
appreciate it. Also if someone knows how to create a simple demo in PHP
and few dummy data please
email me your demo. Thank you in advance.
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