Andy Morsell amorsell at
Mon May 29 20:11:08 EDT 2006

BradM wrote:
> Glad to hear that transparency will be addressed as a high priority.
> thanks.  We had about 50 other tiles of colour orthophotos loaded but we
> had to remove them because the server was too slow to redraw.  Do you know
> how much ram is needed or is optimal?
> thanks
I don't know if it will be addressed as a high priority.  I am not a member
of the development team at Autodesk, but a user like you.  I have
encountered the same problem as you with the background covering underlying
information and I hope that Autodesk does choose to address this as a high
priority enhancement.

The raster provider is still in "beta" (I actually can't get it to work
without crashing MapGuide on one of my servers) so hopefully we'll see some
of your performance issues addressed soon as well.

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