[mapguide-users] insertion point

Willem Schwarte willem at giskit.nl
Wed Nov 8 10:49:13 EST 2006

Ok great, as I said, I already can read the properties from the selected
object, just didn't know how to get the coordinates... thx



Van: Knight, Gregory [mailto:Gregory.Knight.bra at cityofboston.gov] 
Verzonden: woensdag 8 november 2006 15:17
Aan: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Onderwerp: RE: [mapguide-users] insertion point


To get feature properties from the active selection, you need to do a
few things.

First you need to retrieve the selection from the viewer.  Depending on
the viewer you are using, this can be retrieved directly from the server
from your development environment or from the viewer via javascript.  


Once you have the selection info, you will need to perform the basic MG
initialization, create resource and feature services, etc.  The next
step is to connect to your map resource using the feature reader and
selection info to read the feature properties that you need.  The X and
Y coordinates can be retrieved with GetCoordinate().GetX() and
GetCoordinate.GetY() respectively.


This is the basic idea anyways...

There are some good examples in the Dev Guide that illustrate this
process.  Check out Ch 3 - Working With Feature Data.





From: Willem Schwarte [mailto:willem at giskit.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:21 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] insertion point




How can I get the X and Y values of the insertion point of an object
that is currently selected on the map. I can get the properties of the
object, but now I also need the insertion point x and y values.




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