[mapguide-users] RE: Studio Enterprise and Web Studio Cannot Connect Randomly

Trevor Wekel trevor.wekel at autodesk.com
Thu Nov 16 19:31:45 EST 2006

Hi Jason,
Does setting StartServers = MaxServers eliminate the connection errors?
Here's some more background on the IIS FastCGI extension.
Isapi_fcgi.dll does recycle the processes.  Memory leaks will accumulate
for a while but resource consuming php-cgi.exe and mapagent.exe
processes should drop off after a while.  The only catch is that
isapi_fcgi gives no control over how long the processes should stay
alive.  For PHP, setting the following environment variables may help
roll the processes a little quicker:
These can be set by adding a registry setting under FASTCGI/.php
Environment REG_BINARY (0x0D delimited set of environment variables,
terminated with 0x00)


From: Jason Birch [mailto:Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 5:12 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Cc: Trevor Wekel
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] RE: Studio Enterprise and Web Studio
Cannot Connect Randomly

For anyone who's keeping track...
Setting the StartServers to a higher number did not seem to help me.
What has seemed to help was setting the StartServers and MaxServers to
the same number.  I guess this is OK if you're not worried about memory
leaks or dynamic resource allocation on your server.
It looks to me like any time a MapAgent child process is killed on
Windows, the FastCGI ISAPI handler doesn't get informed about it, and
the first request fails. If you restart IIS after killing a process, you
don't get the error; a new process is just started up.


From: Jason Birch [mailto:Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:41
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Cc: Trevor Wekel
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] RE: Studio Enterprise and Web Studio
Cannot Connect Randomly

Thanks, I'll give that a try.
Apparently these can be set on a per-service level, under
And there is an "Environment" setting.  Maybe this could be used to
overcome the problem with the PROJ_LIB variable not getting picked up?


From: Trevor Wekel
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] RE: Studio Enterprise and Web Studio
Cannot Connect Randomly

Hi Jason,
Telling isapi_fcgi and mod_fastcgi to spin up two servers might help but
I've had trouble forcing them to spin up agents.  mod_fastcgi is
especially obstinate.  Even under load it doesn't like to spin up more
than one agent.  Here are the appropriate settings:
For IIS:
Increase the registry setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FASTCGI
StartServers REG_DWORD 1 
For Apache, modify httpd.conf and increase -minProcesses:
FastCgiConfig -idle-timeout 120 -minProcesses 1 -maxClassProcesses 4
-multiThreshold 100 -singleThreshold 100 -killInterval 600
FastCgiConfig -idle-timeout 120 -minProcesses 2 -maxClassProcesses 4
-multiThreshold 100 -singleThreshold 100 -killInterval 600

Note:  PHP uses a different configuration line and should already be
spinning up 4 processes:
FastCgiServer "C:/Program
Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/php/php-cgi.exe" -processes
4 -idle-timeout 120 -
initial-env PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=500 -initial-env PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=1^M
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