[mapguide-users] linking to raster data

Takashige Nakagawa gnakag at trk.apptec.co.jp
Mon Oct 2 01:52:38 EDT 2006

Hi, Tom

I tried various boudingBox settings , and finally it worked fine!
Probably, my boudingBox setting was too large to find images.

Thank you for the information!

Takashige Nakagawa

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fukushima" <tom.fukushima at autodesk.com>
To: <users at mapguide.osgeo.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:24 AM
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] linking to raster data


The steps that you did look good.

Is there anything in the server's error log?

If not, it might be the case that the boundingBox defined at the top of
the configuration document might not enclose the images. If you create a
new map definition and add the layer to it, do the extents and
coordinate system look correct?  These extents and coordinate system
need to match that of the images.  Then if the images are still not
showing, you may be able to "find" the images by changing the extents in
the map definition to something larger and see if the images show up
after that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Takashige Nakagawa [mailto:gnakag at trk.apptec.co.jp] 
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 3:43 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] linking to raster data

Hi all.

I'm testing Mapguide Enterprise on Windows 2000 Server and in trouble 
linking  to raster data.

Following the steps described in "MAPGUIDE ENTERPRISE 2007 White Paper",
I've created and uploaded a feature source document and a configuration 
and in Studio, I see that a feature source named "Test" is created.
Its test connection is successfull.

Now I'm trying to make a layer named "Test" with this "Test" feature
but nothing is displayed in the
preview window of the "Test" layer.

Where am I wrong?
Is there something else I have to do?

Best Regards.

Takashige Nakagawa

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