[mapguide-users] Erratic display of feature labels

Srdjan Gigovic gsrdjan at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 12 13:21:44 EDT 2006

Hi Jackie,

Have you found where it is the option to turn off overposting protection.



>From: "Jackie Ng" <jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au>
>Reply-To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>To: <users at mapguide.osgeo.org>
>CC: "'Traian Stanev'" <traian.stanev at autodesk.com>
>Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Erratic display of feature labels
>Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:36:24 +1000
>Hi Traian,
>I would like to try your first solution (turn off overpost detection) but
>the layer in question is a polygon layer with area styles. There is no
>option available to turn off overposting.
>Jackie Ng
>AEC Spatial Pty Ltd. / AEC Systems Pty Ltd.
>A.B.N: 32 075 809 451
>Level 4, 37-41 Prospect St. Box Hill, Victoria, 3128
>Phone: 1300 368 609
>Fax:    1300 362 140
>jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au
>   _____
>From: Traian Stanev [mailto:traian.stanev at autodesk.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, 10 October 2006 11:51 PM
>To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Erratic display of feature labels
>This is caused by, how can I say it, impefections, in the label occlusion
>avoidance algorithm. The problems happen especially when text is rotated, 
>which case the bounding box used to compute the region covered by the label
>is no longer tight. This, combined with the fact as new features appear on
>the map, the order labels get processed changes, causes the behavior you
>describe. So it is currently normal for some labels to disappear and appear
>depending on the view. One solution I could offer is to turn off label
>overpost detection for the layer -- there is a checkbox for that in Studio,
>in the style dialog -- this would cause all labels to draw. Another 
>would be to use a tiled map, which would result in a more fixed labeling,
>but then some labels may just never show up. A third solution may be to use
>a smaller font so that more labels fit. A fourth solution is for us to
>improve the labeling to deal with non-axis-aligned bounds. :-)
>   _____
>From: Jackie Ng [mailto:jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:30 AM
>To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>Subject: [mapguide-users] Erratic display of feature labels
>Hi All,
>I am experiencing a very strange problem with the display of feature 
>Basically the map is only showing a subset of all the feature labels that
>are actually there. At closer zoom levels, when I am panning around on my
>map, some labels will magically disappear while some will magically appear.
>The attached images will better explain the problem.
>The "before" image a partcular close-up view of the map.
>The "after" image is the same view, panned slightly to the right.
>The "after-more" image is the "after" view panned slightly up.
>The selected polygon in blue is the same polygon for all 3 images.
>Notice how some labels disappear and some appear during these transitions?
>Help me :(
>Jackie Ng
>AEC Spatial Pty Ltd. / AEC Systems Pty Ltd.
>A.B.N: 32 075 809 451
>Level 4, 37-41 Prospect St. Box Hill, Victoria, 3128
>Phone: 1300 368 609
>Fax:    1300 362 140
>jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au

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