[mapguide-users] Building Search based on joined fields

Andy Morsell amorsell at spatialgis.com
Mon Oct 30 15:30:55 EST 2006

I noted the same error under the same circumstances with 1.0.1 and
Enterprise.  I was hoping it was fixed in 1.0.2 (which I have not had time
to work with yet), but it looks like the bug lingers. (you are using 1.0.2
aren't you?)

Andy Morsell, P.E. 
Spatial Integrators, Inc. 


From: Warren Medernach [mailto:warren.medernach at imaginit.ca] 
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 12:20 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Building Search based on joined fields

Is it possible to create a search based on a value in a joined field?
I'm getting the following error when I attempt search a joined field:
An exception occurred in FDO component. Invalid identifier name '<Field
Name>'. Exception occurred in method
MgServerGwsGetFeatures.GetMgClassDefinition at line 207 in file
Anybody successfully getting search results from a joined field?

Warren Medernach
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