FW: MaPguide Enterprise Linux install with ODBC to mysql...

Willem Schwarte willem at giskit.nl
Wed Sep 6 08:13:30 EDT 2006




Van: Willem Schwarte 
Verzonden: maandag 4 september 2006 16:08
Aan: 'users at mapguide.osgeo.org'
Onderwerp: MaPguide Enterprise Linux install with ODBC to mysql...




We have a mgES on redhat es3 with a odbc layer to a mysql database. We
use this for a point layer. There are very little entries in the table (
less than 30). 


If I zoom in to a spot where I know that something is fetched from the
database ( at a small scale 1:500) and play a little at that spot (only
3 points are shown) the daemon is killed. 


I don't know where to look for error messages... /var/logs/messages
doesn't log anything?!?


Is, when zoomed in to a small area, every record from the database
fetched, or does it only fetch just between the x 

and y values of the extends!? 




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