[mapguide-users] "Resource was not found" error

Jackie Ng jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au
Thu Sep 7 19:58:24 EDT 2006

I've been having this problem as well.
We're planning to roll out a viewer for a touchscreen kiosk device and this
problem could cause potential problems for a device that would idle about
most of the time.
What would be the best course of action here then?
- Re-create the map on this session repository?
- Trash this current session and create a new one?

Jackie Ng

AEC Spatial Pty Ltd. / AEC Systems Pty Ltd.

A.B.N: 32 075 809 451

Level 4, 37-41 Prospect St. Box Hill, Victoria, 3128

Phone: 1300 368 609 
Fax:    1300 362 140 

jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au


Content-Type: text/plain;


Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 08:56:21 -0700

From: Steve Dang <steve.dang at autodesk.com>

Subject: [mapguide-users] "Resource was not found" error


Don't know why that failed.

Currently, there is no API to check if the resource exists in the session
repository. However, you can use GetResourceContent. This API returns the
resource content or throws MgResourceNotFoundException.


-----Original Message-----

From: François Van Der Biest [mailto:francois.van-der-biest at onf.fr] 

Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 9:34 AM

To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org

Subject: [mapguide-users] "Resource was not found" error

Hi list,

I am still experimenting problems when my application loads in the 

taskframe (MGE2007) :

I sometimes get the following error :

"Resource was not found: 


... when I want to load the map from session repository, using 


Yet, the resourceService seems to be created successfully ... and I know 

the session has not expired, since I refresh it every five minutes.

Can you give me some hints why this fails ?

How can I check if the resource exists in the session repository ?

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