[mapguide-users] Postgres/GIS
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
bartvde at xs4all.nl
Sun Sep 10 13:46:57 EDT 2006
The problem is, Paul explained me once, that the Oracle license states
you cannot publish any kind of benchmarks without Oracle's explicit
permission :-(
Best regards,
Andy Morsell schreef:
> I was looking for some information as well, but I am having trouble
> finding any hard and fast benchmark numbers or even some objective
> comparisons (price, performance and features). Here are some pages on
> this topic that I thought were of interest:
> http://geospatial.nomad-labs.com/?cat=15
> http://www.nabble.com/Who-is-Using-PostGIS--For-What--t1932413.html#a5293610
> Some statistics that Paul posted regarding PostGIS:
> - 1101 mailing list members
> - 24117 hits per day on web site
> - 3532 visits per day on web site
> - 100 downloads per day of source code
> - top search string references "postgis" and "shp2pgsql"
> - 813000 google search results
> Andy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Srikanth Nadhamuni [mailto:srikanth at egovernments.org]
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 09, 2006 5:45 PM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* [mapguide-users] Postgres/GIS
> Hi Paul,
> The PostGIS FDO you are developing, will this be on open source or
> freely available, If so what is the release date.
> Although I have heard good things about Postgres/GIS, since I have no
> first hand experience, would like to know what people think of using
> Postgres/GIS in an enterprise GIS environment. How would it fare w.r.t
> performance with say 50GB GIS and 25 GB of attribute data, does it
> support clustering, any benchmarks that compare it against other
> databases ?
> Regards,
> -Srikanth
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at refractions.net]
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 09, 2006 10:33 AM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] New Oracle FDO provider
> I think hardware limitations that approximate a mid-range desktop, as
> opposed to even a medium range server, along with the "locator only"
> restriction constitute "hobbled" pretty fairly. And to get out of the
> paddock, that next step up the licensing ladder is a doozy...
> P
> (PS - And check out the on-disk size of Oracle geometries before you
> pronounce that 4GB (four! gigabytes! yah!) of database storage more
> that enough too. Add the format fluff to the fact that extra space is
> needed to manage transactions and indexes and you'll find that 4GB
> tablespace segment is used up pretty quick and you're reaching for the
> cheque-book before you know it...)
> On 8-Sep-06, at 8:57 PM, Andy Morsell wrote:
> I'm with you. Whether you like Oracle (the _commercial_ software
> company) or not, their database software is great. I'm not quite sure
> how one defines "hobbled" but Oracle XE seems robust enough for most
> web applications. The only limitations are 4 GB of total DB
> information, 1 GB maximum of allocated RAM, and the usage of 1 CPU per
> install. Of course, the spatial capabilities (as discussed in this
> mailing list a couple of days ago) are the same as Oracle Locator. So,
> in this way, it would be very suitable for most web and lightweight
> apps, but might be a stretch for enterprise GIS purposes.
> Andy Morsell, P.E.
> Spatial Integrators, Inc.
> http://www.SpatialGIS.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Ross Smith [mailto:r0ss at shaw.ca]
> *Sent:* Friday, September 08, 2006 8:44 PM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org <mailto:users at mapguide.osgeo.org>
> *Subject:* RE: [mapguide-users] New Oracle FDO provider
> "Hobbled" - it is a full functioning version of the Oracle DBMS with
> tons of spatial capabilities (the entire locator engine in fact with a
> few Oracle spatial gems hidden as well - we have discovered a few that
> are available). Also, Oracle is the world's largest database vendor
> and I read recently (in an IDC report - I think it was) that something
> like 80-90% of the world's spatial data that are stored in a DBMS are
> stored in Oracle.
> Oracle XE includes the ability to do spatial queries, tons of spatial
> data manipulation procedures such as simplifying features,
> manipulating data in just about every possible way, the ability to do
> coordinate transformations, store and manipulate linear referencing
> data (does postGIS come with LRS capabilities?) and best of all it is
> completely scalable into the entire Oracle suite (since it is a
> version of the Oracle Standard platform - with views, triggers, stored
> procedures, etc.). Check it out for yourself
> (http://www.oracle.com/technology/xe/index.html) - the GUI does not
> offer the true power - the command line tools are where the power
> lies. I am not an Oracle salesman, just someone who wants to build a
> scalable system that can open the most doors cost effectively.
> Do not get me wrong I am a huge open source advocate (particularly
> MapGuide) but the spatial vendors still do not play well with
> databases (and each other) and Oracle seems to be the best common
> denominator - I can use my GeoMedia Pro license to connect to Oracle
> XE, I would be able to use Autodesk Map ad MapGuide if some one will
> provide the FDO (free or otherwise), ESRI of course is a lost cause
> (and out of my equation) because it does not have SDE bolted on top
> (and the direct connect is a joke) but I am looking for an open system
> with flexibility in the tools I use.
> And to me MapGuide is a phenomenal tool and Oracle XE can allow me the
> flexibility to store my CAD data or GIS data (using Autodesk Map and
> MapGuide if a FDO existed) and use my GIS tools such as GeoMedia and
> possibly even MapInfo.
> Just my two cents in four paragraphs...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at refractions.net]
> *Sent:* Friday, September 08, 2006 7:47 PM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org <mailto:users at mapguide.osgeo.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] New Oracle FDO provider
> When the PostGIS FDO provider is out, I think you should look at that.
> Why use a hobbled DB like XE when you can have a real one?
> P
> On 8-Sep-06, at 6:00 PM, Ross Smith wrote:
> Any thoughts on providing support for Oracle XE? And you mention on
> your web site that you may open source the FDO connector. What would
> you required from the community to do so?
> Does anyone else know of any Oracle XE FDOs that exist? I have a
> tremendous amount of interest in Oracle XE and MapGuide to build
> enterprise GISes.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Traian Stanev [mailto:traian.stanev at autodesk.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, September 08, 2006 9:17 AM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org <mailto:users at mapguide.osgeo.org>
> *Subject:* RE: [mapguide-users] New Oracle FDO provider
> After a quick try... I got a succesful connection in MG Studio, but
> when trying to create a layer, I get no feature classes listed, so
> either the tables I have in the Oracle server are all weird or
> something else is going on... I'll try to call the provider directly
> from a test program to see if I get any data back.
> Traian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Haris Kurtagic [mailto:haris at sl-king.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 07, 2006 7:59 PM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org <mailto:users at mapguide.osgeo.org>
> *Subject:* [mapguide-users] New Oracle FDO provider
> Hi ,
> I am working on new FDO provider for Oracle.
> You can read more about it and download it here:
> www.sl-king.com/fdooracle <http://www.sl-king.com/fdooracle>
> It is not open source project yet, but it is free to use.
> I would appreciate if you try it and if you give me some feedback.
> Regards,
> Haris Kurtagic
Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS
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