[mapguide-users] RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime

Buscher, Shane Shane.Buscher at nngco.com
Mon Jan 15 16:11:31 EST 2007



I'm definitely refreshing by calling the Refresh method in the viewer
api.  My exact code is below.  I know the refresh gets executed
successfully because I see a quick status bar in the top left corner of
the viewer flash.  If I comment out the javascript call, no status bar
flashes.  Furthermore, the built-in RefreshMap command that you can add
as a button in Studio doesn't work either after running the code snippet


I also know, according to the users guide p. 56, that you don't have to
refresh the map from the client after adding layers because the
LayerCollection takes care of this for you.  I've tested this when
adding layers, and this is true.  I am somewhat assuming that removing a
layer would be the same.  I wonder if there is a problem with the DWF
viewer.  I suppose I can try the AJAX viewer...  It might be really
helpful if somebody could duplicate the issue.  






Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        'Remove layers 

        Dim lyr0 As MgLayer = map.GetLayers.GetItem(0)

        Dim lyr1 As MgLayer = map.GetLayers.GetItem(1)





        'emit javascript to refresh map

        Dim scriptKey As String = "Refresh"

        If Not Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(Me.GetType,
scriptKey) Then

            Dim javaScript As String =

scriptKey, javaScript, True)

        End If

    End Sub



From: mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Walt
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 1:52 PM
To: Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at


Yeah a missing refresh would make sense.  Isn't it the client's
responsibility though to request the refresh?

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of Trevor
	Sent: Mon 1/15/2007 7:12 PM 
	To: Buscher, Shane; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org 
	Subject: [mapguide-users] RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers
at runtime

	Hi Shane,


	Hmm... I wonder if the viewer is not bothering to request the
map overlay image again?  That would explain the behaviour you are

	Are you using a Windows box as a client?  Are you familiar with


	Fiddler is an HTTP proxy that captures HTTP requests and
responses.  If you install and use it, you should be able to see all the
traffic between the client and Web Extensions / MapAgent.  There should
be a GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAY request generated by the client.  This request
should refresh the map and show the added/removed layers.


	Also, are you using Base Map layers (ie. tiled images)?  Base
Map layers should not be changed on the fly.  They should be considered
static.  This is probably not an issue since you are adding dynamic
layers but I just figured I would check.






	From: Buscher, Shane [mailto:Shane.Buscher at nngco.com] 
	Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 11:04 AM
	To: Trevor Wekel; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime



	I think I found a big hint after testing what you suggested.
When the layers I'm trying to remove are within the map view extent,
they do not 'disappear' upon removing them.  However, If the layers are
completely outside the map view extent they indeed get removed with the
same code.  It doesn't matter if it's one layer or multiples.  Hopefully
this gives you something to work with.  







	From: Trevor Wekel [mailto:trevor.wekel at autodesk.com] 
	Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 11:18 AM
	To: Buscher, Shane; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime


	Hi Shane,


	My bad.  I've been working with the Mapguide 1.1.x and trunk
branches.  You are working on the released 1.0.x branch.  Sorry for the
confusion.  1.0.x does not have the boolean return.


	Is there any difference if you try to remove only one layer so
there are still layers on the map?






	From: Buscher, Shane [mailto:Shane.Buscher at nngco.com] 
	Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 1:31 PM
	To: Trevor Wekel; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime



	MgLayerCollection.Remove doesn't return a boolean according to
the api documentation, and also doesn't indicate it in the intellisense.







	From: Trevor Wekel [mailto:trevor.wekel at autodesk.com]
	Sent: Fri 1/12/2007 5:18 PM
	To: Buscher, Shane; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime

	Hi Shane,


	Remove() should returns a boolean true or false.  false
indicates that the layer was not removed.  Can you see if the remove was
successful? (just trying to debug a bit)





	From: Buscher, Shane [mailto:Shane.Buscher at nngco.com] 
	Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 4:13 PM
	To: Trevor Wekel; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime



	Thanks for the response.  I think I'm doing everything you
suggested correctly, but have provided the snippets below.  When the
page loads the ConnectToMapGuide() method gets called, which opens up
the MgMap and sets it to a module level variable (map).  Then, Button1
is clicked which successfully adds two layers to the map.  When Button2
gets invoked, I try to remove the layers but the layers still persist in
the map.  


	I'm not sure where to go from here.  Do you need to copy the
layers in session, then add them from there in order to have the ability
to remove them?  Just reaching...







	'class vars

	Private resourceService As MgResourceService

	Private map As MgMap


	Private Sub ConnectToMapGuide()

	        'Connect to MapGuide site

	        Dim userInfo As New

	        Dim siteConn As New MgSiteConnection



	        'set resource service

	        resourceService =


	        'Open map

	        map = New MgMap

	        map.Open(resourceService, Session.Item("mgMapName"))

	End Sub


	Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

	        'add dwf layer

	   Dim schematicId As NewMgResourceIdentifier _        


	         Dim schematic As MgLayer = CreateLayer(schematicId,

	         map.GetLayers.Insert(index, schematic)


	         'add sdf layer

	   Dim valveId As New MgResourceIdentifier _ 


	         Dim valves As MgLayer = CreateLayer(valveId, True)

	         map.GetLayers.Insert(index, valves)




	        'emit javascript to refresh map

	End Sub


	Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

	        Dim lyr0 As MgLayer = map.GetLayers.GetItem(0)

	        Dim lyr1 As MgLayer = map.GetLayers.GetItem(1)





	        'emit javascript to refresh map

	End Sub



	From: Trevor Wekel [mailto:trevor.wekel at autodesk.com] 
	Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 3:37 PM
	To: Buscher, Shane; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime


	Hi Shane,


	This should work.  During your setup, are you calling
MgMap.Open() or MgMap.Create()?  The MgMap.Open() should set up the
resource identifier correctly so that Save() will have the map to the
correct session repository.


	Is the session id being propagated correctly?  If you can do the
following and the layer appears in the viewer then the session should be






	If the Insert() works and Remove() doesn't






	Then this is probably a bug.  Also, does the behaviour depend on
the number remaining layers?







	From: Buscher, Shane [mailto:Shane.Buscher at nngco.com] 
	Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 7:16 AM
	To: Buscher, Shane; Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime

	I haven't got any feedback yet, but I have been trying
desperately to make this work.  To recap, I'm finding that adding a
layer to a map at runtime with MgLayerCollection.Add works fine.
However, when I try to remove layer(s) with MgLayerCollection.Clear,
MgLayerCollection.Remove, or MgLayerCollection.RemoveAt the layer(s) are
indeed removed from the collection- but not the map.  I am saving the
map and refreshing the map after removal.  


	So why does inserting a layer into the MgMapCollection work, but
removing not?  Looking at the developers guide on page 56 there is a
note for getting a layer collection from the map (MgMap.GetLayers): 


	In the MapGuide API, getting a collection returns a reference to
the collection. So adding the layer to the layer collection immediately
updates the map.


	I am get the impression that adding a layer to the collection
automatically updates the map, this doesn't apply for removing a layer.
I can't figure out what I need to do to mimic what the api does for you
when inserting a layer when trying to remove a layer.  Or is this a bug?


	Thanks for any help in advance.  






	From: mapguide_users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapguide_users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Buscher,
	Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 4:49 PM
	To: Mapguide_users at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: [Mapguide_users] FW: Remove layers at runtime


	I've run into issues with removing all layers from the map at
runtime.  See the code snippet below.  All the layers get removed from
the layerCollection, but the layers still display.  I've successfully
used the same code to insert layers, except I execute the
layerCollection.Insert(index, layer) method.  I don't know why the same
code wouldn't work for clearing layers.  

	I have multiple layers stored in a library repository that users
need to add and remove at runtime.  Do I need to copy each layer in
indvidual session repositories to add and reomove them?  If I don't,
will one user adding/removing layers affect other user sessions?  I know
this is the case when you edit data, but these layers are view only.   

	'Connect to site server, set resource service, and open map


	'Clear all layers in the map

	Dim layerCollection As MgLayerCollection = map.GetLayers()

	If layerCollection.GetCount > 0 Then


	End If


	'emit javascript to refresh map

	Dim scriptKey As String = "ForceRefresh"

	If Not Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(Me.GetType,
scriptKey) Then

	  Dim javaScript As String = "refreshMap(" &
MapAction.RefreshMap & ");"

	  Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, scriptKey,
javaScript, True)

	End If



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