[mapguide-users] Displaying shp runtime with session user

Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Wed Jun 6 02:36:34 EDT 2007

I'm not sure how to create SHP files using FDO, but you can always take 
an empty one, and copy the file to a new name.
Then you create a feature source for the new SHP file, and FDO 
insert/update etc. goes on as usual.
In the developers guide, the steps to create a runtime layer are 
explained. (basically extract layer xml, modify xml, save layer xml 
under new name).
I think Traian mentioned that SDF is faster, which makes sense as it 
utilizes the SQLite internal tree structures to maintain a spatial index.

Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

yadi wrote:
> I want to create app for monitoring some sensor, like water ground 
> The step of app is :
> A. Logging data (sms): monitoring sms engine, if incoming new sms,
> parsing XYZ data and save it to postgresql (Done)
> B. Displaying contour on the web by MGOS: user can create contour
> runtime by selected time with session user:
> - extract data from postgreSQL to XYZ (.txt) by selected time (Done)
> - gridding XYZ text file to grid file (.grd) with surfit (Done)
> - contouring grid file (.grd) to shape file (.shp) with gdal_contour
> (Done)
> - displaying shape file (.shp) (contour) in MGOS (Not yet)
> Please help and suggest me to :
> - create feature class runtime for shp
> - create layer runtime point to new feature class
> - shp vs sdf ? which more fast ?
> Thanks
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