[mapguide-users] Create points of Interest Layer

Willem Schwarte willem at giskit.nl
Wed Mar 7 08:32:26 EST 2007


I looked at this site at the create points of interest layer, which creates a layer with pinpoints.


when I try this on my own server with the Sheboygan dataset, I get an error "unauthorized access".

The error is generated at these lines in the code:

$featureSourceName = 'Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/points.FeatureSource';

$resourceIdentifier = new MgResourceIdentifier($featureSourceName);

$wkt = "LOCALCS[\"*XY-MT*\",LOCAL_DATUM[\"*X-Y*\",10000],UNIT[\"Meter\", 1],AXIS[\"X\",EAST],AXIS[\"Y\",NORTH]]";

$sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams("ArbitraryXY", $wkt, $featureSchema);

$featureService->CreateFeatureSource($resourceIdentifier, $sdfParams);

Does the 'Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/points.FeatureSource' need to exist already?

I do not have this source in the downloaded sample set.

What I want to create is:

I am getting a couple of coordinates from a user. For example index.php?x=13&y=51.

At this coordinate I want to show a symbol (for example the pushpin). I do not already have a point layer.

Is this possible at all?


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