[mapguide-users] Show/Hide Layers and propertiespane programmatically

Maciej Skorczewski maciej.skorczewski at procad.pl
Thu Mar 15 08:53:56 EDT 2007

> Sorry for the trouble again!! :-)
> Do we have to define  the code for getIFrameDocument()? Or is it an existing
> method? I keep getting an error for that method. Also, is ifrMap the name of
> ur frame in the main page like ajaxtiledviewersample.js in the
> javaviewersample aplication?

this i my function.

function getIFrameDocument(aID){
  var rv = null;

  // if contentDocument exists, W3C compliant (Mozilla)
  if (top.document.getElementById(aID).contentDocument){
    rv = top.document.getElementById(aID).contentDocument;
  } else {
    // IE
    rv = top.document.frames[aID].document;


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