[mapguide-users] Newbie's learning curve - database toget startedwith?

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Mar 28 14:10:58 EDT 2007

Jason Birch wrote:
>>> http://svn.refractions.net/fdopostgis/
>> Oh yes! i am waiting for this very much :) Jason
>> when can we see alfa version of this?
>> Maciek
> If you're interested in helping to test, let Mateusz know.
> There have been a few builds so far, and it's starting to work in Map
> 2008, but I haven't had much luck with MapGuide yet.  Mateusz has a
> bunch of stuff to check in from some work he did on the road, so I'm
> hoping that I'll start to be able to see stuff in MapGuide soon.

This Monday, I'll publish fdopostgis for testing.
I will make it usable with MG but not only with 3D Map.

Mateusz Loskot

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