[mapguide-users] Projection problems with ArcSDE FDO and GetKML responses

Trent Pingenot pintj at hotmail.com
Thu May 17 14:57:26 EDT 2007

Hey Group,I'm sure those of you more experienced will groan at my ArcSDE related question but here goes.I'm having problems get raw KML data back when connected to ArcSDE. I am usingMap Guide OS 1.2.0 beta and AutoDesk Map Guide Studio evaluation. I do have the sameproblem using MGOS 1.1.I have loaded my layer of points into ArcSDE via command line utilities, shp2sde becauseI don't have ArcEditor or ArcInfo.The first layer I loaded into my db was in a UTM projection. The second layer of pointsI loaded to SDE was in WGS84.  I specified a projection code and the layers reporttheir correct projections via SDE and ArcMap.  I am able to successfully connect to SDE using theArcSDE FDO to create a data connection.  I can create separate Map Guide layersfor both of my point layers.  Here is where it starts to get sketchy. In Map Guide Studio when I create a blank Map and add my first layer by itself, whether it be my UTM points or my WGS84 points  or some other layer inanother projection the map default projection comes up as UTM. I can of course change this to LL84 if I am just creating a map with my WGS84 points.  My first question is why does the map projection default to a UTM projection when the first layer added is in another projection and does this shed lighton my resulting problems?I can make web layouts with any combination of my point layers and other layers in otherprojections and they display correctly in an AJAX web browser.  The problems start when I try to use the KML calls GetMapKML, GetLayerKML or GetFeaturesKML.I can successfully make these calls either from a web browser with a response type of XML or inGoogle Earth against my layer in UTM or other layers, however I get failed responses against my layer inWGS84 either through url calls or through GE.  More specifically when I try and debuging at the root 
GetFeaturesKML from a url call http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?OPERATION=GetFeaturesKml&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYERDEFINITION=Library://TEST/Layers/WGS_LOCS.LayerDefinition&FORMAT=XML&DRAWORDER=6&BBOX=-106.7621,38.7261,-105.7026,41.7703&WIDTH=500&HEIGHT=500for XML I get this response...<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1"><NetworkLinkControl><minRefreshPeriod>2</minRefreshPeriod></NetworkLinkControl><Document><visibility>1</visibility></Document></kml>instead of xml with placemarks.As further testing I added other datasets in various projections to ArcSDE.  Any data thatis UTM is returned successfully, but the other geographic projections I tested; NAD27, NAD83, WGS84 yieldthe same non-results.It's almost as if because my first ArcSDE layer was in UTM, MapGuide sees some type of ArcSDE schemaand things all the data is in UTM.  I even tried creating a second SQLSERVER DB with my points but hadthe same results.When I connect to via FDO for Shapefiles for data in various projections everything is hunky dory. I haveperformed some additional testing to try and isolate the problem but won't overwhelm the list with allmy tests.Any ideas as to if my problem lies in ArcSDE, FDO or the MGOS KML re-projection piece, or something I've done? Or feel free to humble me with some small detail I missed.Thanks in advance!Trent
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