[mapguide-users] An exception occurred in FDO component / Gdalraster

Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Wed Nov 14 02:50:13 EST 2007

MapGuide Studio uses the Mentor library, regardless of the server.

So, the short version is that you cannot make Studio accept your valid 
coordinate system,
unless you can represent it with a WKT that is accepted by both Mentor 
and Proj4.

Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

mates skrev:
> This coordinate system works well.I have a vector layer and there's no
> problem.
> But it's supported only by Proj4.In the autodesk mapguide studio i can't
> open a map definition, only in WebStudio.
> The problem is only to validate right this configuration file.
> Is it necessary to define the coordinate system also in this configuration
> file ?? It's defined in the map definition file yet.

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