[mapguide-users] Not much luck with ogr or postgis on Ubuntu

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Nov 30 19:05:03 EST 2007

Here are the ones from my local Ubuntu build:

    <DisplayName>OSGeo FDO Provider for OGR</DisplayName>
    <Description>Access to OGR data sources</Description>
    <DisplayName>OSGeo FDO Provider for PostGIS</DisplayName>
    <Description>Read/write access to spatial and attribute data in an

Both of these are symlinks to the 3.3.0 versions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Traian Stanev
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Not much luck with ogr or postgis on

Could you open providers.xml (should be under your fdo-3.3.0/lib) and
find the entries for the PostGIS and OGR providers, then send us those

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