[mapguide-users] map.Save() raise MgNotImplementedException,programmatically add layer to a map

Champin champingfor at 163.com
Mon Sep 24 13:34:49 EDT 2007

programmatically add layer to a map, map.Save() raise

I am trying to create a temperory layer and adding it the map.
map.Save(resourceService) raise the MgNotImplementedException.

what am doing is:
1. Create a map object and open the Map
        MgMap map = new MgMap();
        map.Open(resService, "MyMap");

2.Create the feature source
     create a MgClassDefinition and populate some properties.
     create a schema
        MgFeatureSchema schema = new MgFeatureSchema("Schema", "the line
        MgCreateSdfParams sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams("LatLong", srs,
     create the feature source  
	featureService.CreateFeatureSource(featureSourceId, sdfParams);

2. Create a layerDefinition resource content by loading a layerDefinition
XML and modifying some
      //create the MgLayerBase object 
      MgLayerBase layer = new MgLayerBase(layerId,resourceService);

3.  Set the property of the layer and add it to the Map

4.  save the map in the session repository.
      map.Save(resourceService);  *******  // raise

when the code run into the map.Save(), the MgNotImplementedException raised.

Can you point me what am I missing or something wrong?

By the Way, the code runs quite well  on the platform  MapGuide
Enterprise(MGOS 1.1)
My MGOS is version 1.2.  

and the following code will goes well on MGOS 1.2 on my machine

//////Change the layers visibility programmatically
        string sessionId = Request["session"].ToString();
        UtilityClass utility = new UtilityClass();

        //MgFeatureService featureService =
utility.GetSiteConnection().CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService) as
        MgResourceService resourceService =
utility.GetSiteConnection().CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService) as
        MgMap map = new MgMap();
        map.Open(resourceService, "MyMap");
        MgLayerBase shipLayer = utility.GetLayerByName(map, "Point");
        map.Save(resourceService);             // no exception raised.
everything goes well. Confused!~~



Enviroment : 
   VS2005 + MGOS 1.2 
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/map.Save%28%29-raise-MgNotImplementedException%EF%BC%8Cprogrammatically-add-layer-to-a-map-tf4510561s16610.html#a12864473
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