[mapguide-users] How to Create a layerDefinition programmtically , using xml?

Brad L bradl at mai-eng.com
Fri Sep 28 15:19:35 EDT 2007

Try this

public MgLayer CreateTrackLineLayer(String rootPath, MgResourceService
resService, MgResourceIdentifier TrackResId, String sessionId)
        // Load the TrackLinelayerdefinition template into
        // an ASPX XML object, find the "ResourceId" element, and
        // modify it's content to reference the feature source.

        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
        doc.Load(rootPath + @"\Template\TrackLineLayerDefinition2.xml");
        XmlNode featureSourceNode =
        XmlNode resContent = doc.CreateTextNode(TrackResId.ToString());

        // Get the updated layer definition from the DOM object
        // and save it to the repository using the
        // ResourceService object.

        MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
        byte[] layerDefinition = xmlStream.ToArray();
        Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
        String layerDefStr = new String(utf8.GetChars(layerDefinition));
        layerDefinition = new byte[layerDefStr.Length - 1];
        int byteCount = utf8.GetBytes(layerDefStr, 1, layerDefStr.Length -
1, layerDefinition, 0);
        MgByteSource byteSource = new MgByteSource(layerDefinition,
        //this stores it to the session but you could pass your
MgResourceIdentifier as you did in your code
        MgResourceIdentifier tempLayerResId = new
MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + sessionId +

        resService.SetResource(tempLayerResId, byteSource.GetReader(),

        // Create an MgLayer object based on the new layer definition
        // and return it to the caller.

        MgLayer newLayer = new MgLayer(tempLayerResId, resService);

        return newLayer;

I didn't debug this but it should get you in the ball park.

Brad Leighninger
Mathews & Associates, Inc

Champin wrote:
> How to Create a layerDefinition programmtically , using xml?  
> ---------------------------------------
> Here is my steps, but something wrong happened, MgNotImplementedException
> raised when added the layer to the map and Map.Save()
> 1.Using MapGuide Studio, Open an LayerDefinition , File --> Save as xml;
>    in fact, I want to create temp layer the same as the existing layer ,so
> , the temp layers' layerDefinition should be the same as the existing
> layer,except the <ResourceID>.....</ResourceID>
> 2. Change the resourceId to the replace flage ,such as <ResourceID>
> %resourceID</ResourceID> and save the xml as  layerDefinitionTemplate.xml
> 3.Create the Layer
>  public MgLayerBase CreateTrackLineLayer(String rootPath,
> MgResourceService resService, String featureSourceName,
> MgResourceIdentifier LayerId)
>     {
>         MgLayerBase newLayer = null;
>         //字符串方法
>         string layerDefinition = File.ReadAllText(rootPath +
> @"\Template\TrackLineLayerDefinition2.xml");
>         layerDefinition = layerDefinition.Replace("%resourId",
> featureSourceName);
>         MgByteReader reader = new MgByteReader(layerDefinition,
> "text/xml");
>         resService.SetResource(LayerId, reader, null);
>         newLayer = new MgLayerBase(LayerId, resService);
>         return newLayer;
>     }
>    these code goes well while debuging
>  4. Added the layer to the map and save .
>             MgLayerBase TrackLineLayer =  CreateTrackLineLayer(.......);
>              // 设置层属性
>             TrackLineLayer.SetName("TrackLineLayer");
>             TrackLineLayer.SetDisplayInLegend(true);
>             TrackLineLayer.SetLegendLabel("航迹");
>             TrackLineLayer.SetVisible(true);
>             TrackLineLayer.ForceRefresh();
>             map.GetLayers().Insert(0, TrackLineLayer);
>         // add some feature to the layer feature source
> 	 MgPropertyCollection props =BuildeNewPropCollection(.......);  
>         MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new
> MgFeatureCommandCollection();
>         commands.Add(new MgInsertFeatures(featureName, props));
>         featureService.UpdateFeatures(TrackLineFeatureSourceID, commands,
> false);
>        //Save the map 
>          TrackLineLayer.SetVisible(true);
>         TrackLineLayer.SetSelectable(true);
>         TrackLineLayer.ForceRefresh();
>          map.Save(resService);  //**** ERROR 
> 	    here raise the Exception  " MgNotImplementedException "
> Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?  I have been blocked here for a
> whole day, any suggestion will be very appreciate .
> Thank you !
> My envionment :
> Windows XP SP2 
> VS2005 .net 2.0  + MapGuide Open Source 1.2

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