[mapguide-users] Turn Map Refresh Off?

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Tue Jul 8 03:14:40 EDT 2008

If you use the DWF viewer, I believe it caches the data locally.

If you use the AJAX/Fusion viewer, the answer is no.
The reason for this is that the viewer displays an image that is fitted
exactly to current viewing situation. There is no client rendering,
so you cannot avoid having the server regenerate the image.

If speed is the problem, try removing all columns from the datasource.
If this works, you might try to set up some sort of sheme that selects
the correct data in an external datasource.

You can also try SVG/VML which can render data client side.
The OpenLayers project uses this, and may be a good reference.
(Fusion is using OpenLayers, so the functionality is avalible there).

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

bjeffers skrev:
> We have parcel data that is updated on a daily basis.  Is there a way to
> access the parcel data once when you open the map viewer and not have the
> data refresh everytime to pan, zoom, etc.?  Thanks in advance!

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