[mapguide-users] MG - Authoring Map with Mapstudio

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Tue May 27 04:29:05 EDT 2008

Hi Katia.

For future posts, you should not attach files, because it is sent to 
MANY people, and strains the mailserver.
If there is a need to attach a file, you can create a ticket for the 
problem here:
(You must be logged in, with an OSGeo userid: 

You can then attached the files to the ticket, and mail the list if you 
want a quick answer.

I have loaded the data, but I don't have the SHP files, so I can't see 
any data either.

I did notice that your layers have no style information.
On your layers, you must add a scale range. (Click the ruler icon).
Inside each scale range, you must add a display for either point, line 
and/or area.
For each point/line/area, you must add at least one condition (Click the 
document icon).
For each condition, you must decide if you want to show the features 
and/or label them.
Finally, you must select the display style (color, patter, etc) for the 
geometry and/or labels.

It is a lot of steps, and not at all intuitive. I am working on a much 
improved editor for the next release.

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

katia.goes at katiagoes.com skrev:
> Friends.
> I´m trying to publish a map using Mapstudio, but I don´t know what is 
> happing, because the geometry is not being shown in the main window.
> All layers that was created is enable, but not shown.
> I´m send in the file DuasBarras.mgp to tests.
> thanks a lot.
> Kátia Góes
> Especialista em SIG e Analista Ambiental
> www.katiagoes.com / 21-8308-0325
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