[ZS2] [mapguide-users] How to Import Raster Image

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Thu Nov 6 13:24:44 EST 2008

I have written a guide here:

The raster specific part is here:

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

ajid1980 skrev:
> anybody can xplain to me "how i wanna import raster image *.tif in proper
> method. step by step
> I have a problem.. my sdf data using coordinate WGS World 1984 then 
> when i import raster image.. i setting it using same coordinate but image
> cannot display.. then i delete the coordinate.. it display but it my sdf
> data have a problem and it cannot control zooming and it scattered (i cannot
> setting coordinate because of raster image).. im using mapguide maestro.. 
> thanx

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