[mapguide-users] Getting FeatureSource className without Layer

Greenhough, Jamie JamieGreenhough at sierrasystems.com
Mon Nov 10 18:26:11 EST 2008

Hello everyone! I'm trying to find out the className of a FeatureSource
without referencing a layer. Here's the code I'm using so far:


            String realPath =

            String configPath = realPath + "..\\webconfig.ini";



            // Connect to the site.

            MgUserInformation userInfo = new

            MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();



            // Create Resource and Feature Service

            MgFeatureService featureService =


            // Specify the FeatureSource to used for creating the new

            MgResourceIdentifier resId = new


            MgFeatureReader featureReader =
featureService.SelectFeatures(resId, "Schema:Trees", null);


So the value I need is "Schema:Trees" but I don't want to hardcode this
value. I can access the Class Name if I get it from a layer, but I'm
trying to add a LayerDefinition to the repository, and I don't have a
layer to reference yet. It looks like SchemaName:ClassName. Any

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