[mapguide-users] Adding a point to a map... PLZ Help!!! (.NET -C#)

Maksim Sestic max at geoinova.com
Wed Oct 15 10:38:52 EDT 2008

Hmm, if you're attending to batch-process large number of points (along with
attached data) then web service calling FDO directly will do it much more
efficiently, since you can preset it on server side to poke exact
datastore/schema (thus skipping enumeration). Especially if you're planning
to parse some client-side file holding actual information. Other way round
you'll be making too many client-server roundtrips.Of couse, it all depends
on the overall setup...

-----Original Message-----
From: mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Galois
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 16:29
To: mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Adding a point to a map... PLZ Help!!! (.NET

This is not a solution, cause at the feature, I'll have lot of XML files and
the code will have to work in order to put all the interest points automatic
on the map....

ThanX anyway :-D

Maksim Sestic wrote:
> If the MG->Datastore approach is making you headaches, why don't you 
> directly access the datastore (i.e. via FDO if it's managed after all) 
> and store the point there "manually"? Of course, if you're poking it 
> from a client you'll have to establish a web service to do the job on 
> the server side. And don't forget to call MG refresh method from 
> JavaScript once you have that point within a datastore.
> Regards,
> Maksim Sestic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Galois
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 16:15
> To: mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] Adding a point to a map... PLZ Help!!! 
> (.NET
> -C#)
> Maybe I'm stupid....
> I cannot do it work. I have reconstruct the whole thing, but the new 
> Layer doesn't appear in the page.
> I followed the Dev's Guide in order to create a Layer and add it in 
> the map but nothing.
> Basically, I added these three functions. I really would appreciate if 
> u could give me some help..
> public MgLayer addLayerRsc2Map(MgResourceIdentifier layerResId, 
> MgResourceService resourceSrvc, string layerName, string 
> layerLegendLabel, MgMap map)
>     {
>         //MgLayer newLayer = new MgLayer(layerResId, resourceSrvc);
>         MgLayer newLayer = new MgLayer(layerResId , resourceSrvc);
>         //Add the new layer to the map's layer collection
>         newLayer.SetName(layerName);
>         newLayer.SetVisible(true);
>         newLayer.SetLegendLabel(layerLegendLabel);
>         newLayer.SetDisplayInLegend(true);
>         MgLayerCollection layerCollection = map.GetLayers();
>         if( !layerCollection.Contains(layerName) )
>         {
>             //Insert the new layer to position 0 so it is at
>             //the top of the drawing order
>             layerCollection.Insert(0,newLayer);
>         }
>         MgLayerGroupCollection skata = map.GetLayerGroups();
>         return newLayer;
>     }
>     public MgLayer addLayerDef2Map(string layerDefinition, string 
> layerName, string layerLegendLabel, string sessionId, 
> MgResourceService resourceSrvc, MgMap map )
>     {
>         // Adds the layer definition (XML) to the map.
>         // Returns the layer.
>         //Validate the XML.
>         XmlDocument domDocument = new XmlDocument();
>         domDocument.LoadXml(layerDefinition);
>         domDocument.PreserveWhitespace = true;
>         MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
>         domDocument.Save(stream);
>         Byte[] byteArray = stream.ToArray();
>         string outerXml = 
> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray,
> 0,
> byteArray.Length);
>         byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(outerXml);
>         //Save the new layer definition to the Session.
>         MgByteSource byteSource = new MgByteSource(byteArray , 
> byteArray.Length);
>         byteSource.SetMimeType(MgMimeType.Xml);
>         MgResourceIdentifier resourseId = new 
> MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + map.SessionId + "//" + layerName + 
> "." + MgResourceType.LayerDefinition);
>         // Set the map with the new resource
>         resourceSrvc.SetResource(resourseId, byteSource.GetReader(), 
> null);
>         MgLayer newLayer = addLayerRsc2Map(resourseId, resourceSrvc, 
> layerName, layerLegendLabel, map);
>         return newLayer;
>     }
>     public void addLayer2Group(MgLayer layer, string layerGroupName, 
> string layerGroupLegendLabel, MgMap map)
>     // Adds a layer to a layer group. If necessary, it creates
>     // the layer group.
>     {
>         //Get the layer group
>         MgLayerGroup layerGroup;
>         MgLayerGroupCollection layerGroupCollection = 
> map.GetLayerGroups();
>         if( layerGroupCollection.Contains(layerGroupName) )
>         {
>             layerGroup = layerGroupCollection.GetItem(layerGroupName);
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             //It does not exist, so create it.
>             layerGroup = new MgLayerGroup(layerGroupName);
>             layerGroup.SetVisible(true);
>             layerGroup.SetDisplayInLegend(true);
>             layerGroup.SetLegendLabel(layerGroupLegendLabel);
>             layerGroupCollection.Add(layerGroup);
>         }
>         //Add the layer to the group.
>         layer.SetGroup(layerGroup);
>     }
> Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
>> Did you look at the buffer sample code in the AJAX viewer?
>> It does exactly what is required, besides inserting your points.
>> About your code:
>> You do not use the "resourceIdentifier" variable, which means your 
>> layer might reference something else.
>> You save the layers to the regular repository, which is fine, but 
>> each use will overwrite the previous copy, making it impossible to 
>> reliably serve more than one user.
>> You do not add the layer to the runtime map, and you do not save the 
>> runtime map.
>> You write: "I just want to display them".
>> Well, MapGuide works by displaying data from a FeatureSource, styled 
>> through a LayerDefinition.
>> You cannot insert data in the LayerDefinition, it must be in a 
>> FeatureSource.
>> If you insert the data in an existing FeatureSource, with an existing 
>> layer, that is fine too, but I cannot guess that is what you want.
>> You did not mention an Xml file with points before, just a single point.
>> Depending on your data, you may want to insert them into a database 
>> (like Sqlite or Access), or into an SDF file.
>> If you choose the database version, your FeatureSource can be of type 
>> ODBC.
>> If you use a database, you can insert the points using regular SQL 
>> queries against the database.
>> If the points are persistent (that is, not tied to a particular users 
>> map, like session values), you can just create a FeatureSource + 
>> Layer through Maestro or Studio without requirering any code.
>> If you are looking to create something similar to "Points of interrest" 
>> with a nice little flag, you might
>> consider using OpenLayers instead of the AJAX viewer:
>> http://www.openlayers.org/
>> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/georss-markers.html
>> (OpenLayers also supports MapGuide as the backend server)
>> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>> Galois skrev:
>>> First of all, thank u fro your reply.
>>> I don't get why should I create a temp layer.
>>> I have some coordinates in an XML file, and I just want to display 
>>> them on an existing layer.
>>> Though I tried to create a new layer, it does not appear in my maps 
>>> layers.
>>> That's what I did...
>>> MgResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier = new 
>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Library://GoSpatial/Data/airports.FeatureSource");
>>>         MgResourceIdentifier layerResId = new 
>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Library://GoSpatial/Layers/TmpLayer.LayerDefin
>>> i
>>> tion");
>>>         string layerDefinition =
>>> File.ReadAllText("C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/iwaygis/TmpLayer.LayerDefinitio
>>> n
>>> .xml");
>>>         MgByteReader reader = new MgByteReader(layerDefinition, 
>>> "text/xml");
>>>         resourceSrvc.SetResource(layerResId, reader, null);
>>>         tmpLayer = new MgLayer(layerResId, resourceSrvc);
>>>         tmpLayer.SetName("TempLayer");
>>>         tmpLayer.SetLegendLabel("TempLayer");
>>>         tmpLayer.SetDisplayInLegend(true);
>>>         tmpLayer.SetSelectable(true);
>>>         MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
>>>         layers.Insert(0, tmpLayer);
>>>         tmpLayer.SetVisible(true);
>>>         tmpLayer.ForceRefresh();
>>> Thx!
>>> Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
>>>> A few steps are involved:
>>>> 1. Create a temporary featuresource 2. Create a temporary layer to 
>>>> display the features 3. Insert the temporary layer into the runtime 
>>>> map
>>>> The buffer files in the MapGuide viewer has template code for all 
>>>> three steps.
>>>> All steps are explained in the Developer Guide (PDF version at least).
>>>> You might also want to look here:
>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/CodeSamples/ASP.Net/ScribbleApp
>>>> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>>>> Galois skrev:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I´m trying to add a point to a map but I have no idea how to it.
>>>>> I have declare the map object, and also I create a point with it's 
>>>>> coordinates.
>>>>> But I don't know what is the next step that I have to do...
>>>>> The code follows....
>>>>> public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page {
>>>>>     public string sessionId;
>>>>>     public string webLayout;
>>>>>     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
>>>>>     {
>>>>>         string physicalPath = @"C:\Program 
>>>>> Files\MapGuideOpenSource\WebServerExtensions\www\webconfig.ini";
>>>>>         try
>>>>>         {
>>>>>             MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(physicalPath);
>>>>>             passAndSession();
>>>>>             //Associate a session ID with the MgSiteConnection Object
>>>>>             MgUserInformation userInfo_new = new 
>>>>> MgUserInformation(sessionId);
>>>>>             MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new 
>>>>> MgSiteConnection();
>>>>>             siteConnection.Open(userInfo_new);
>>>>>             MgResourceService resourceSrvc = 
>>>>> (MgResourceService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.Reso
>>>>> u
>>>>> rceService);
>>>>>             MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnection);
>>>>>             webLayout =
>>>>> "Library://GoSpatial/Web+Layouts/Autostrada+Brescia+Padova+Map.Web
>>>>> L
>>>>> ayout";
>>>>>             MgResourceIdentifier resId = new 
>>>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Library://GoSpatial/Maps/Italy
>>>>> Map.MapDefinition");
>>>>>             String mapName = resId.GetName();
>>>>>             MgResourceIdentifier mapStateId = new 
>>>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + sessionId + "//" + mapName + "."
>>>>> + MgResourceType.Map);
>>>>>             map.Create(resourceSrvc, resId, mapName);
>>>>>             map.Save(resourceSrvc, mapStateId);
>>>>>             map.Open(resourceSrvc, mapName);
>>>>>             createPoint();
>>>>>         }
>>>>>         catch (Exception ex)
>>>>>         {
>>>>>             throw (ex);
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     public string passAndSession()
>>>>>     {
>>>>>         MgUserInformation userInfo = new 
>>>>> MgUserInformation("Administrator",
>>>>> "admin");
>>>>>         MgSite site = new MgSite();
>>>>>         site.Open(userInfo);
>>>>>         sessionId = site.CreateSession();
>>>>>         return sessionId;
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     public MgPoint createPoint()
>>>>>     {
>>>>>         MgGeometryFactory geometryFactory = new 
>>>>> MgGeometryFactory();
>>>>>         MgCoordinateXY coordinate = (MgCoordinateXY) 
>>>>> geometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(10.913161, 45.408046);
>>>>>         MgPoint point = geometryFactory.CreatePoint(coordinate);
>>>>>         return point;
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
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