[mapguide-users] Select and zoom to feature in Mapguide+Fusion

alba a.penitente at gepaspa.com
Thu Apr 23 11:13:13 EDT 2009

hi Traian,

You excuse me for this email, but I see that you have sent many posts, then
maybe you can help

I have the problem to select and to zoom objects on map

I use mgos 2.0.1 with IIS and fusion
I insert the function

<script language="javascript" >

In my procedure I insert

function GetParent()
    if(popup) {
        return opener;
    } else {
        return parent.parent;

function Selezione_oggetto(){

var resultSelect = document.getElementById("resultSelect");
var k=0;
var valoreCercato=dati_ord[resultSelect.value];
            reqParams = "COMMAND=GETSELECTIONXML";
			reqParams += "&SESSION=" + encodeURIComponent(session);
            reqParams += "&MAPNAME=" + encodeURIComponent(mapName);
			reqParams += "&LAYERNAME=" + encodeURIComponent("Catastali");
			reqParams += "&IDLIST=" + results[k].idList.toJSONString();
            if (msie)
                reqHandler = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                reqHandler = new XMLHttpRequest();

            reqHandler.open("POST", "querycontroller.php", false);
			selectionXml = reqHandler.responseText;

// ?????????? problem----------------------

//parent.parent.mapFrame.SetSelectionXML(TrimString(selectionXml));// old
for mg 1.2

var map = GetParent().Fusion.getMapByName(mapName);  // ??????????

map.SetSelectionXML(selectionXml);// ??????????

function Zoom_oggetto()
var resultSelect = document.getElementById("resultSelect");
var scaleInput = document.getElementById("scaleInput");
scale = scaleInput.value;
scale = (scale == 0) ? 10000 : scale;
scale = scale*1.0;
var k=0;
var valoreCercato=dati_ord[resultSelect.value];

feature = results[k];

// ?????????? problem----------------------
//parent.parent.mapFrame.ZoomToView(feature.centerX, feature.centerY, scale,
true);// ??????????

var map = GetParent().Fusion.getMapByName(mapName);// ??????????
map.ZoomToView(feature.centerX, feature.centerY, scale, true);// ??????????



all from example ..www\phpviewersample\query

but it does not work!

Can you help me, please?

Thank Alba

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