[mapguide-users] Select and zoom to feature in Mapguide+Fusion

Albina Penitente a.penitente at gepaspa.com
Fri Apr 24 07:49:24 EDT 2009

hi Chris
thank you very much for your answer
it's very good for mg 2.0.2 but not for mg 2.0.1
I tested in both realizes

the selectionXml is valid too.

Sorry if you ask even more questions, but I need help
 'map.setSelection(sel, true)' is not valid for multi selections! In this 
case, how I can do?

 I think that the file 
is not update for mg 2.0.2, because the instruction 'setSelection'  does not 
where I can download a new viewer api?
I must resolve this function

  function submitRequest(pageUrl)
          xmlSel = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetSelectionXML();
          if(xmlSel=='') alert("Selezionare Area Incendio");
          mapScale = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetScale();
          mapHeight = 600;
          mapWidth = 600;
          mapCenter = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetCenter();
          params = new Array("SESSION", 
            "MAPNAME", parent.parent.mapFrame.GetMapName(),
            "SELECTION", xmlSel,
            "SCALE", mapScale,
            "HEIGHT", mapHeight,
            "WIDTH", mapWidth,
            "CENTERX", mapCenter.X,
            "CENTERY", mapCenter.Y
          parent.parent.formFrame.Submit(pageUrl, params, "_blank");
          }// fine else

I would use in mapguide 2.0.2 the same templates of mg 2.0.1 es: aqua, 
marron, ecc..
How can I do?
  bye bye Alba 

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