[mapguide-users] Google Earth Imagery in MapGuide

Amy Steiger amy.steiger at cardno.com.au
Wed Dec 2 19:22:57 EST 2009

Both OS MapGuide and MG Enteprise can output to Google Earth but is there a way to have Google Earth imagery as WMS or API within the MapGuide viewer?

There is a demo viewer<http://enterprise.mapguide.com/landing/index.php> for MGE that has a Google Maps API, however we have had no luck in putting this in our own map.

Amy Steiger
GIS Analyst
Cardno Forbes Rigby Pty Ltd
Email: amy.steiger at cardno.com.au<mailto:amy.norcott at cardno.com.au>
Web: www.cardno.com.au<http://www.cardno.com.au/>

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