[mapguide-users] MGOS 2.1 - One(1) good Two(2) bad

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Fri Dec 4 18:08:06 EST 2009

I think (but am not 100% sure) that when you combine 2.1 and the raster
provider, something gets messed up when adding images that don't have a
coordinate system assigned to them (or interpretable by the GDAL provider)
and the image bounds aren't returned correctly.  I'm guessing MapGuide is
using an API that isn't supported in the FDO provider, or something whacky
happened to the provider on the 1.4->1.6 change.

I've had good luck with both ECW and GeoTIFF using a config file
("composite" type in Maestro), and defining a CS override.  I _may_ have had
to generate the config file programatically though to get the correct image
bounds though, I'm not sure.


2009/12/4 Andrew DeMerchant

>  My MrSIDs all worked right out of the box (this was a first for MGOS
> updates, for me). I had them working fine on a different 2.0 server...made a
> package of my library, unpacked to the new 2.1 server (different box) and it
> worked fine. My MrSIDs are all in unmanaged folders, for what it's worth...
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