[mapguide-users] polygon zoom problem

padmini godavarthi godavarthi.padmini at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 02:05:32 EDT 2009


This problem might be with fdo3.3.1.
previously it works fine for fdo3.3.0 oracle providers

   Dim byteReader As MgByteReader =featureReader.GetGeometry("GEOMETRY")

but i have replaced  this  fdo3.3.0 with fdo 3.3.1 oracle providers( 3 dlls
) for IN operator in setfilter .

while executing above statement i got an error  that

"Specified object was not found"

Can any one plz tell me the solution???????


Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
> So, the problem is that you sometimes get "Specified Object was Not
> Found"?
> In that case your title and surrounding description is quite misleading.
> Are you absolutely sure that the geometry column is named "GEOMETRY"
> in all cases?
> Do you check that the geometry value is not null before reading it?
> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> padmini godavarthi skrev:
>> Hi Kenneth,
>> Thanks for ur response.
>> some times i got the x,y and scale values correctly then the zoom
>> function
>> works correctly
>>   some times i got the error at MgByteReader
>>      Dim featureReader As MgFeatureReader
>> =featureService.SelectFeatures(fetresource,layer.GetFeatureClassName(),
>> nameQuery)              
>> Dim geometryFactory As MgGeometryFactory = New MgGeometryFactory()               
>>   While featureReader.ReadNext()
>> i got the error as "Specified Object was Not Found"  in
>>                   Dim byteReader As MgByteReader =
>> featureReader.GetGeometry("GEOMETRY")
>> can u plz tell me the solution??????????
>> Regards,
>> Padmini.
>> Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
>>> Do you get any javascript errors?
>>> Are your x,y and scale values correct in the javascript?
>>> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>>> padmini godavarthi skrev:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>> iam using mapguide opensource 2.0 (with .net 2.0 +IIS 5.1) on win xp 
>>>> i have a problem with zom toview function??????????????????
>>>>  Try
>>>>             If Not Session("id1") Is Nothing Then
>>>>                 Dim mapCenterX As Double
>>>>                 Dim mapCenterY As Double
>>>>                 Dim serverVars As NameValueCollection =
>>>> Request.ServerVariables
>>>>                 Dim strServerVars As String = ""
>>>>                 Dim str1 As String
>>>>                 For Each str1 In serverVars.AllKeys
>>>>                     strServerVars += "<br>" & str1
>>>>                 Next
>>>>                 Dim platform As String = serverVars("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
>>>>                 Dim queryStr As String = serverVars("QUERY_STRING")
>>>>                 Dim queryStr1 As String = serverVars("Form")
>>>>                 Dim requestParams As NameValueCollection =
>>>> IIf(Request.HttpMethod = "POST", Request.Form, Request.QueryString)
>>>>                 Dim sessionId As String =
>>>> Request.QueryString("SESSION")
>>>>                 Dim realPath As String =
>>>> Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
>>>>                 Dim configPath As String = realPath + "webconfig.ini"
>>>>                 MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(configPath)
>>>>                 Dim userInfo As MgUserInformation = New
>>>> MgUserInformation(sessionId)
>>>>                 Dim siteConnection As MgSiteConnection = New
>>>> MgSiteConnection
>>>>                 siteConnection.Open(userInfo)
>>>>                 Dim resService As MgResourceService =
>>>> siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService)
>>>>                 Dim featureService As MgFeatureService =
>>>> siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService)
>>>>                 Dim fetresource As MgResourceIdentifier = New
>>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Library://propertytax/resource.FeatureSource")
>>>>                 Dim nameQuery As MgFeatureQueryOptions = New
>>>> MgFeatureQueryOptions()
>>>>                 Dim val As String = "PARCEL_ID"
>>>>                 nameQuery.AddFeatureProperty(val)
>>>>                 Dim queryval As String = Session("id1")
>>>>                 Dim totquery As String = val & "=" & "'" & queryval &
>>>> "'"
>>>>                 nameQuery.SetFilter(totquery)
>>>>                 Dim tabname As String = "PROPERTY LAYER"
>>>>                 Dim map As MgMap = New MgMap()
>>>>                 map.Open(resService, "oramap")
>>>>                 Dim layer As MgLayer =
>>>> map.GetLayers().GetItem("PROPERTY
>>>> LAYER")
>>>>                 Dim geometryReaderWriter As MgAgfReaderWriter = New
>>>> MgAgfReaderWriter()
>>>>                 Dim featureReader As MgFeatureReader =
>>>> featureService.SelectFeatures(fetresource, layer.GetFeatureClassName(),
>>>> nameQuery)
>>>>                 Dim geometryFactory As MgGeometryFactory = New
>>>> MgGeometryFactory()
>>>>                 While featureReader.ReadNext()
>>>>                    Dim byteReader As MgByteReader =
>>>> featureReader.GetGeometry("GEOMETRY")
>>>>                    Dim geometry As MgGeometry =
>>>> geometryReaderWriter.Read(byteReader)
>>>>                    Dim centroid As MgPoint = geometry.GetCentroid()
>>>>                   mapCenterX = centroid.GetCoordinate().GetX()
>>>>                    mapCenterY = centroid.GetCoordinate().GetY()
>>>>          Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(),
>>>> "test",
>>>> "highlight(" & mapCenterX & "," & mapCenterY & ");", True)
>>>>                 'End While
>>>>                 featureReader.Close()
>>>>                 Dim resService1 As MgResourceService =
>>>> CType(siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService),
>>>> MgResourceService)
>>>>                 Dim featureService1 As MgFeatureService =
>>>> CType(siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService),
>>>> MgFeatureService)
>>>>                 Dim fetresource1 As MgResourceIdentifier = New
>>>> MgResourceIdentifier("Library://propertytax/resource.FeatureSource")
>>>>                 Dim nameQuery1 As MgFeatureQueryOptions = New
>>>> MgFeatureQueryOptions()
>>>>                 Dim val1 As String = "PARCEL_ID"
>>>>                 nameQuery1.AddFeatureProperty(val1)
>>>>                 Dim queryval1 As String = Session("id1")
>>>>                 Dim totquery1 As String = val1 + "=" + "'" + queryval1
>>>> +
>>>> "'"
>>>>                 nameQuery1.SetFilter(totquery1)
>>>>                 Dim layer1 As MgLayer =
>>>> map.GetLayers().GetItem("PROPERTY
>>>> LAYER")
>>>>                 Dim featureReader1 As MgFeatureReader =
>>>> featureService1.SelectFeatures(fetresource1,
>>>> layer1.GetFeatureClassName(),
>>>> nameQuery1)
>>>>                 Dim selection As MgSelection = New MgSelection(map)
>>>>                 selection.AddFeatures(layer1, featureReader1, 0)
>>>>                 Dim selectXML As String = selection.ToXml()
>>>>                 selection.Save(resService1, "oramap")
>>>>                 Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(),
>>>> "test", "select('" & selectXML & "')", True)
>>>>                 featureReader1.Close()
>>>>             End If
>>>>         Catch ex As Exception
>>>>             'MsgBox(ex.Message)
>>>>         End Try
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> and my java script functions are
>>>> function select(val) {
>>>>          var selectionXML = val;
>>>>           parent.parent.SetSelectionXML(selectionXML); 
>>>>          //    parent.parent.mapFrame.ZoomToView(x,y,2000,true); 
>>>>        parent.parent.refresh;
>>>>          alert("Selected");
>>>>         }
>>>>         function highlight(x,y) 
>>>>         {
>>>>            //  alert("2nd");
>>>>            var xval = x;
>>>>            var yval = y;
>>>>           parent.parent.mapFrame.ZoomToView(xval,yval,1000,true); 
>>>>         }
>>>> i wrote all this code in taskpane page loading even
>>>> but i didnt get the exact zoom level of that parcel it remains same as
>>>> the
>>>> initial view
>>>> can any one plz tell me the solution????????????????????????????
>>>> Regards,
>>>> padmini.
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