[mapguide-users] help

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Tue May 26 02:55:04 EDT 2009

The keyword for this is base64 encoding, see:

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

saloua wakrim skrev:
> i resolved coordinates point prob and transparency layer, now i want 
> identify polygone wich i draw on map by user clic, i use 
> GetSelectionXml() when user select polygone, this function gives me:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><FeatureSet><Layer 
> id="d610b562-ffff-ffff-8002-0016356155d0"><Class 
> id="BufferLayerSchema:BufferClass"><ID>GQAAAA==</ID></Class></Layer></FeatureSet>
> i want understand how can i identify polygone (id polygone) by this 
> description i think that i must use
> <ID>GQAAAA==</ID> cause i've remarked that all what it changes when i 
> select another polygone, but i don't see the relation with  
> <ID>GQAAAA==</ID> end the ID wich i associate to my polygone when i 
> create it.there is any relation?? thanks a lot on advance.
> 2009/5/20 Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S <ks at geograf.dk 
> <mailto:ks at geograf.dk>>
>     UNIT is the coordinate system unit, eg. degrees, meters or inches.
>     If the layers and map have the correct coordinate systems assigned,
>     MapGuide will automatically convert the data to display correctly,
>     so you get the correct map.
>     You do not have to work with the projection string manually.
>     Beware of trying to calculate coordinates manually based on the
>     UNIT, because
>     projections are not always compatible just because the use the
>     same UNIT.
>     Instead, use the MgCoordinateSystem classes to convert points from
>     one projection to another.
>     Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>     saloua wakrim skrev:
>>     but please if you know what that UNIT means in coordinates System
>>     say it me:
>>     <
>>     CoordinateSystem>GEOGCS["WGS84 Lat/Long's, Degrees, -180 ==>
>>     +180",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["World_Geodetic_System_of_1984",6378137,298.257222932867]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],*_UNIT_*["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]</CoordinateSystem>
>>     cause i want draw polygone representing view of cam (dome) and it
>>     must be proportional to the real view of cam, and my layer must
>>     be added to map with another layer wich contains cams so i must
>>     know wich units is used on map(m, km, cm) or what? that what i do
>>     that i convert (m) to unit by this code:
>>     MgCoordinateSystemFactory
>>     csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); MgCoordinateSystem
>>     srs = csFactory.Create(map.GetMapSRS());
>>     MgCoordinateSystemMeasure mesure = new
>>     MgCoordinateSystemMeasure(srs);
>>     distanceunits = pointa.Distance(pointb, mesure);
>>     Response.Write(
>>     "distance entre les deux points du calque en unit‚:
>>     "+distanceunits.ToString());
>>     distancemeters =
>>     srs.ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters(distanceunits);
>>     but i don't know if this layer (wich contains polygone) will be
>>     compatible with another layer or not? if you don't understand me
>>     say it me please. thanks or advance, i ask you cause i remark
>>     that you master more than onother mapguide developpers mapguide,
>>     thanks on advance.  
>>     2009/5/19 Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S <ks at geograf.dk
>>     <mailto:ks at geograf.dk>>
>>         There is an example for MgCreateSdfParams() in the
>>         "buffer.(php|aspx|jsp)" file in the folder
>>         C:\program
>>         files\MapGuideOpenSource2.0\WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewer(php|net|java)
>>         It also shows how to set the coordinate system.
>>         If your data has the correct projection, MapGuide will
>>         convert it to fit the map projection.
>>         If that does not work, you have to manually convert the
>>         items, which is not a trivial procedure.
>>         Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>>         saloua wakrim skrev:
>>>         hi! did you know lease how MgCreateSdfParams() works and
>>>         what attributes i must give it cause ii think that the prob
>>>         i have is coordinates i use for inserting polygone or line
>>>         or point wich are not compatibl with map cordinates 
>>>         2009/5/11, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S <ks at geograf.dk
>>>         <mailto:ks at geograf.dk>>:
>>>             Yes, that looks right.
>>>             You must also refresh the map (refresh/pan/zoom/etc.) in
>>>             the browser via javascript.
>>>             In addition to my other suggestions, you can also check
>>>             the error log for messages.
>>>             Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>>>             saloua wakrim skrev:
>>>>             hi! please i want know if this code is that what all i
>>>>             must do for adding new layer to map and see it in
>>>>             viewer frame or i must do some relation with the
>>>>             feature source i create in my code?? thanks on advance
>>>>             myLayer =
>>>>             New MgLayer(layerDefId, resourceSrvc)
>>>>             myLayer.SetName(myLayerName)
>>>>             myLayer.SetLegendLabel(myLayerName)
>>>>             myLayer.SetDisplayInLegend(
>>>>             True)
>>>>             myLayer.SetSelectable(
>>>>             False)
>>>>             map.GetLayers().Insert(0, myLayer)
>>>>             myLayer.ForceRefresh()
>>>>             map.Save(resourceSrvc)
>>>>             2009/5/10 Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S <ks at geograf.dk
>>>>             <mailto:ks at geograf.dk>>
>>>>                 The code looks alright.
>>>>                 Do you refresh the map afterwards?
>>>>                 What is in the "insertResults" ?
>>>>                 (There can be a hidden error, due to a bug in MapGuide)
>>>>                 Are you sure that the LayerDefinition matches the
>>>>                 FeatureSource?
>>>>                 Try to create the FeatureSource and LayerDefinition
>>>>                 in "Library://" instead,
>>>>                 so you can examine the layer from Studio/Maestro.
>>>>                 Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>>>>                 saloua wakrim skrev:
>>>>>                 i try the following code for displaying layer wich
>>>>>                 contains line in map, so i digitize a line, create
>>>>>                 temporary feature for this line, create a layer
>>>>>                 wich contains it and add it to the map. it doesn't
>>>>>                 give me some error but  i can see the line in the
>>>>>                 map (i can draw it). Please help me. the code is
>>>>>                 following:
>>>>>                 String
>>>>>                 dataSource = "Session:" + sessionid1 + "//" +
>>>>>                 myLayerName + ".FeatureSource";
>>>>>                 MgResourceIdentifier dataSourceId = new
>>>>>                 MgResourceIdentifier(dataSource); MgFeatureService
>>>>>                 featureSrvc =
>>>>>                 (MgFeatureService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService);
>>>>>                 if (DoesLayerExist(myLayerName, map) == false)
>>>>>                 {
>>>>>                 //create Feature Source MgClassDefinition
>>>>>                 myClassDef = new MgClassDefinition();
>>>>>                 myClassDef.SetName(myLayerName);
>>>>>                 myClassDef.SetDescription(myLayerName +
>>>>>                 " Feature Source");
>>>>>                 myClassDef.SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName(
>>>>>                 "SHPGEOM"); MgDataPropertyDefinition prop = new
>>>>>                 MgDataPropertyDefinition("KEY");
>>>>>                 prop.SetDataType(
>>>>>                 MgPropertyType.Int32);
>>>>>                 prop.SetAutoGeneration(
>>>>>                 true);
>>>>>                 prop.SetReadOnly(
>>>>>                 true);
>>>>>                 myClassDef.GetIdentityProperties().Add(prop);
>>>>>                 myClassDef.GetProperties().Add(prop);
>>>>>                 prop =
>>>>>                 new MgDataPropertyDefinition("ID");
>>>>>                 prop.SetDataType(
>>>>>                 MgPropertyType.Int32);
>>>>>                 myClassDef.GetProperties().Add(prop);
>>>>>                 MgGeometricPropertyDefinition geomProp = new
>>>>>                 MgGeometricPropertyDefinition("SHPGEOM");
>>>>>                 geomProp.SetGeometryTypes(
>>>>>                 MgFeatureGeometricType.Curve);
>>>>>                 myClassDef.GetProperties().Add(geomProp);
>>>>>                 MgFeatureSchema schema = new
>>>>>                 MgFeatureSchema(myLayerName + "Schema",
>>>>>                 myLayerName + "SchemaDesc");
>>>>>                 schema.GetClasses().Add(myClassDef);
>>>>>                 MgCreateSdfParams sdfParams = new
>>>>>                 MgCreateSdfParams("MGA-56 (GDA94 / MGA zone 56)",
>>>>>                 map.GetMapSRS(), schema);
>>>>>                 featureSrvc.CreateFeatureSource(dataSourceId,
>>>>>                 sdfParams);
>>>>>                 //create layer //String layerDef = "Session:" +
>>>>>                 sessionid1 + "//" + myLayerName +
>>>>>                 ".LayerDefinition"; MgResourceIdentifier
>>>>>                 layerDefId = new
>>>>>                 MgResourceIdentifier("Library://essaicalque/Redline.LayerDefinition");
>>>>>                 MgByteSource content = new
>>>>>                 MgByteSource(@"C:\Program
>>>>>                 Files\MapGuideOpenSource\WebServerExtensions\www\essaiselect2\Layerdef.xml");
>>>>>                 resourceSrvc.SetResource(layerDefId,
>>>>>                 content.GetReader(),
>>>>>                 null); //code enlev‚ d'ici: ajouter layer resource
>>>>>                 … la carte //il faut ajouter l'autre code: add
>>>>>                 layer resource to map //DOMDocument domdoc = new
>>>>>                 DOMdocument(); MgLayer
>>>>>                 result=add_layer_resource_to_map(layerDefId,resourceSrvc,myLayerName,myLayerName,map);
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>                 MgInsertFeatures insertFeatures = new
>>>>>                 MgInsertFeatures(myLayerName, makeLine("1", x0,
>>>>>                 y0, x1, y1)); MgFeatureCommandCollection commands
>>>>>                 = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
>>>>>                 commands.Add(insertFeatures);
>>>>>                 int commandIndex =
>>>>>                 commands.IndexOf(insertFeatures);
>>>>>                 MgPropertyCollection insertResults;
>>>>>                 insertResults =
>>>>>                 featureSrvc.UpdateFeatures(dataSourceId, commands,
>>>>>                 false); MgLayer myLayer1 =
>>>>>                 map.GetLayers().GetItem(myLayerName) as MgLayer;
>>>>>                 myLayer1.ForceRefresh();
>>>>>                 //commands.Add(new
>>>>>                 MgInsertFeatures(myLayerName,makeLine("1", x0, y0,
>>>>>                 x1, y1)));
>>>>>                 map.Save(resourceSrvc);
>>>>>                 <
>>>>>                 script runat=server> Boolean result;
>>>>>                 MgPropertyCollection makeLine(String Name, Double
>>>>>                 x0, Double y0, Double x1, Double y1)
>>>>>                 {
>>>>>                 MgPropertyCollection PropertyCollection = new
>>>>>                 MgPropertyCollection(); MgInt32Property
>>>>>                 nameProperty = new MgInt32Property("ID", 1);
>>>>>                 PropertyCollection.Add(nameProperty);
>>>>>                 MgWktReaderWriter wktReaderWriter = new
>>>>>                 MgWktReaderWriter(); MgAgfReaderWriter
>>>>>                 agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
>>>>>                 MgGeometry geometry =
>>>>>                 wktReaderWriter.Read("LINESTRING XY (" + x0 + " "
>>>>>                 + y0 + "," + x1 + " " + y1 + ")") as MgLineString;
>>>>>                 //MgGeometry geometry =
>>>>>                 wktReaderWriter.Read("LINESTRING(3 4,10 50,20
>>>>>                 25)") as MgLineString; MgByteReader
>>>>>                 geometryByteReader =
>>>>>                 agfReaderWriter.Write(geometry);
>>>>>                 MgGeometryProperty geometryProperty = new
>>>>>                 MgGeometryProperty("SHPGEOM", geometryByteReader);
>>>>>                 PropertyCollection.Add(geometryProperty);
>>>>>                 return PropertyCollection;
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>                 Boolean
>>>>>                 DoesLayerExist(String LayerName, MgMap Map)
>>>>>                 {
>>>>>                 MgLayerCollection layers = Map.GetLayers();
>>>>>                 result = (layers.Contains(myLayerName));
>>>>>                 return result;
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>                 MgLayer
>>>>>                 add_layer_resource_to_map(MgResourceIdentifier
>>>>>                 layerresourceid, MgResourceService rs, String
>>>>>                 layername, String layerlegendlabel, MgMap map)
>>>>>                 {
>>>>>                 MgLayer myLayer = new MgLayer(layerresourceid, rs);
>>>>>                 myLayer.SetName(layername);
>>>>>                 myLayer.SetLegendLabel(layerlegendlabel);
>>>>>                 myLayer.SetDisplayInLegend(
>>>>>                 true);
>>>>>                 myLayer.SetSelectable(
>>>>>                 true);
>>>>>                 if (!map.GetLayers().Contains(layername))
>>>>>                 {
>>>>>                 map.GetLayers().Insert(0, myLayer);
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>                 myLayer.SetVisible(
>>>>>                 true);
>>>>>                 myLayer.ForceRefresh();
>>>>>                 map.Save(resourceSrvc);
>>>>>                 return myLayer;
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>                 </
>>>>>                 script>
>>>>>                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>             mapguide-users mailing list
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>>>>             http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapguide-users
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>>>             mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org
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>>>         mapguide-users mailing list
>>>         mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>>>         http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapguide-users
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>>     mapguide-users mailing list
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>     mapguide-users mailing list
>     mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>     http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapguide-users
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