[mapguide-users] Problems iwith swig in build_oem ubuntu 8.04

kernel_panic sudoaptgetinstalld00d3 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 16:21:21 EDT 2009

NVM, I found the directory on <<mapguide_untar_dir>>/BuildTools.
Sorry, I was focused on the swig dir and missed this out.

However, Im having a similar problem to the one you had:


"GwsFeatureQueryResults.cpp:27:42: error:
SDF/IScrollableFeatureReader.h: No such file or directory"


"GwsFeatureQueryResults.cpp:27:42: error:
SDF/IScrollableFeatureReader.h: No such file or directory
GwsFeatureQueryResults.cpp:28:42: error:
SHP/IScrollableFeatureReader.h: No such file or directory "

Actually, is quite longer than that, but lets leave like this (to see
the full error, check this thread
http://n2.nabble.com/FDO-Compile-error-libxalan-c-td3772060i20.html )

You fixed that by doing this:

"Althogh I knew it was not a correct solution, I copied
mydir/fdo-3.3.1/Providers/SDF/Inc/SDF to
the same directory as the GwsFeatureQueryResults.cpp for the time being.
Still something is wrong with FDO, but Mapguide is built anyway :) "

In this thread:


I was suggested that instead of using mapguide 2.0.2, I use mapguide
from trunk, I did that, but now when I run the build.oem script, I get
the error that begun this thread:

The "atomicity.h" one, and I havent been able to fix it (not even by
doing the CC/exportCC/CXX/exportCXX and modyfing the makefiles as you

Now, Im stuck on that problem, so if you know how to fix it, Id be
very very thankful! :)

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